YourMondayMotivator – Glenn Edley
Instead of working, working towards your goals why not stop, relax, and visualise / imagine having achieved them already.
On Saturday I was about to turn the TV on while we waited for friends to turn up. Lauren was getting ready, so instead of turning on the TV I decided to just sit up straight, close my eyes, and take notice of my breathing. I concentrated on my left nostril and felt the air go in and out and then concentrated my right nostril. In and out.
An amazing thing happened. My mind stilled. I relaxed. I let my thoughts wander but always brought my concentration back to the air going in and out.
Then the first sentence of this MondayMotivator popped into my head. I continued to concentrate on my breathing but the thought was persistent. So, I slowly opened my eyes, took a breathe and then bolted to my bedroom to pick up my notebook. I decided I couldn’t write fast enough so I grabbed my laptop and started typing.
As I typed this, and other things, I realised I need to do this more often. I have a reminder to stop and take three deep breathes every day at 1pm. Unfortunately I haven’t been sticking to it but today it dawned on me that stopping and focusing on your breathing for even a minute gives a mind a welcome break and amazing things happen in that space.
This works. Give yourself the space every day. It will allow you to think and to grow.
Have a great week.
Glenn Edley
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Tags: Happiness, motivational
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