365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation As I Raise My Son and Grow My Good News Website – Blog#12
Our first rainy day – hot chocolates on tap; apple crumble; stories under a rug; DVDs on repeat; time outside under a see through roof feeling
the rain and the wind and the thunder booming through my blood; telling the wet dog to go lye down on her towel for the sixth time; eating hot, home grown roast potatoes, zucchini’s, beetroot and chillies with little-brother made burgundy plum sauce; wild rain drops in my son’s hair; wet socks; a steady stream of visitors and two little boys cuddling absentmindedly.
Today’s rating: 9/10
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
Check out yesterday’s blog.
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a WordPress rating system
Tags: dreams, Emotional sustainability, good news, Happiness, motivational, optimism, personal sustainability, positive news
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