Five Male Fashion Tips (from an Eleven Year Old’s perspective)
As you may or may not know fashion is the word of the decade. Every teenager (kids to teens) has to look fashionable to impress the crowd. That is why thanks to the idea from Charlotte I have decided to write about five male fashion tips/accessories. So let’s get cracking.
5: Every male must have a necklace. I would recommend all you males out there to go with the simple wooden beads on elastic string. They are really simple but stand out.
4: Every male must have some jeans. I would actually recommend you wear either grey or black jeans. They are the new jeans of the fashion empire. They are better than your usual blue jeans and they stand out.
3: Every male must have some good shoes. I would go for a budget of $120 when buying some cool shoes as that is a reasonable price. Make sure that the shoes are original and you have not seen people wearing them around.
2: Every male must have some cool clothes. I would highly recommend Hallenstines as they sell all the best clothes for tweens at a reasonable price as well.
1: Last but not least be yourself when buying fashion accessories and clothes. Buy what you think is cool and you never know, you could be the next big thing in fashion trends.
Tags: fashion
Thanks for the tips Nick, I read your article to my flatmates and all the boys are going shopping tomorrow!