365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#82 – Pinned Down and Child-Friendly Workplaces
So today, Serena Star Leonard – business coach extraordinaire – pinned me down. She got me good. She saw through every smoke screen I could throw up and set me the task of telling you that I’m going to complete my e-book in two weeks and every day I’m going to report back to you, as part of this daily blog, about my progress. Eeeeeeeee (Cone-head (the Movie) squeal of indignation and fright). I feel strange mix of emotions about this. Part of me is relieved, because this might just do the trick and force me to complete this e-book of mine that I’ve been talking about writing for around three years. Another part of me is annoyed, quite frankly, because someone figured out, in a very nice way, how to get me to push through my fears and finish this project. It’s like having my biggest secret discovered (Yeah! All you’ve gotta do to get Charlotte to finish something is convince her to tell the world she’s going to see it through and she will!) And actually, I’m realising this could be a good thing to know about myself: take your goals very public and you’ll do all you can to make them happen to save face. Sigh. I’m such a Leo.
What am I afraid of? I’m afraid that no-one will want to look at my precious e-book, let alone buy it. And then if they do buy it, they might think it’s a total waste of money. And then I’d feel devastated and I’d crumple and then I’d loose my confidence and never write a word again. Yes, this is what I’m like. Just because a girl runs a good news website, it doesn’t mean she’s immune to insecurity and basically the full range of every other human emotion you can imagine. I just have this innate desire to see the good in things.
So I’m terrified and I’m going to do it. It feels like I’m about to go on an Outward Bound Course where I have to walk blindfolded over a long, craggy fallen tree which happens to have fallen across a deep river gorge with no water in it. Ahhh sweet nerves! If I can go on national TV and say ‘jeepers’ I can do this.
Oh and now I’ve got one more thing I want to tell you about – today, Victoria Davis, who amongst many, many other things has organised the Naked Nike Rides here in Golden Bay for years, called up and invited me to do a regular live radio show with her and chat about Happyzine. I said, “sounds great, if all goes well with childcare”. And she said “bring him along, I think all workplaces should be child-friendly, what’s the point of keeping kids out of our work lives? What’s that teaching them? It’s crazy!”
Yeah! Go Victoria! I am in total agreeance. So Kahu the nearly three year old shall now feature on live radio with his mother occasionally. This is going to be interesting. Why is it that I don’t feel nervous about going on live radio with my toddler but I do about comitting to completing my e-book?
Over and out.
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
Check out yesterday’s blog.
Tags: dreams
Feel the FEAR and do it anyway Charlotte! You are totally amazing and the more you do feel it and do it anyway, the more empowered and fearless you are becoming ;-0)
Thanks Kat
You’re such a commenting champ! It’s true, oh so true.
hee hee! Just read this now! You crack me up Charlotte, if your blogs are anything to go by the E-book is going to be brilliant! I just can’t wait to see the finished product! xx