365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#102 – Old Man in a Ute

Dog on a Ute. One day I would like to train my dog to sit on the back of a ute, so I can drive around feeling manly and capable of shifting great quantities of hay if I wanted to.
So today I found myself rumbling along in the cab of an old Ute beside ‘Gordy’ the mechanic-come AA-Road-Side Rescue guy. Had I, just moments before, been on the road-side, in the pouring rain and blustering wind requiring rescue because my car had come to a dramatic halt? Nah, I was inside on the computer. And it was a sunny day. There was nothing exciting going down, my car just wouldn’t start.
So, I used up my last free AA call-out and Gordy turned up to help me start her up. The one exciting thing that did happen was that the alarm that I didn’t know my car had, went off. There were a few moments of nervous laughter on my part as the shrill noise rang out through my neighborhood (it was a damn good alarm) in a glass shakingly loud fashion while Gordie had a tinker under the bonnet. He eventually removed the fuse for the damn good alarm that I didn’t know my car had, and silence descended once more upon the street. We dropped my car off at the mechanics and Gordy drove me home in the Ute.
Before my father died, I hung out with him a lot. So being back in a work-vehicle with a man who was of similar age to my father before he died, brought back nostalgic memories. I felt that we bonded – Gordy and I. Turned out Gordie was from Scotland and he was about to retire. He had though, in what I considered to be a wise, wise plan of action, decided to ease into retirement. He’d been working for so long that he didn’t want to shock his system by immediately and abruptly ceasing to work. He’d keep working a few days each week, and fish or play golf through the others.
Funny thing retirement. Could you retire? I’m not sure if I could. I like my work. Gordy said that he appreciated the social aspect of his job, every day he was out and about meeting new people, in different situations. He seemed happy, in a quiet, stable, grounded, sort of way. He seemed content with his lot in life. And that made our wee drive home rather pleasant for me.
It was great to spend some time with an older, fatherly man. As I said my father and I were close, so he and I had our fair share of quality time together, and when he departed his physical form, there were suddenly no manly men around for me to confide in, or seek advice from, or ignore advice from. Yes, for me today, Gordy was a gift, a blessing, a delight to behold. And the other good thing was: I discovered my car has an alarm .. hmmm interesting, now all I need is the pointy button thing.
Ok, so that’s the end of my Old Man in a Ute story and now for more good news: tomorrow it’s my birthday! I’ve made it to 34! Ahhhh! And I’ve got to say – life is good. Thanks for tuning in.
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
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