365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#127 – Positive Word-Smiths Unite
I’m currently cradling my three year old son in my arms. He came home from his Dad’s yesterday with a fever and has had a temperature ever since. He’s doing well, it’s funny how kids can be so cheerful and full of humour (a good sign) despite having an over-hot little body. But I was up most of last night watching over him (just in case his temperature rose more) so it’s a quicky blog today for this tired Mum.
Today’s most beautiful moments took place during a new positive writing course I launched here in Golden Bay today. As usual I found that what people really, really needed to hear was that the positive – that I knew they could do it. They could realise their dreams, given a little perseverence, self-belief and humility and openness to learning. I loved ‘talking writing’, such familiar territory for me, with a group of fellow ‘word-smiths’. We shot through the information mega fast and had fun.
Ok, gotta go, son wants porridge.
Today’s rating: 9/10
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
Check out yesterday’s blog.
Tags: positive writing
Hey Charlotte,
I live across the sea from ye, in the merry old land of OZ. Just subscribed to the happy zine and absolutely loving what you guys are doing. (It’s making me quietly and sometimes loudly, very inspired!)
Am an aspiring writer and filmmaker myself, hoping to produce positive media and as such very interested in the writing course you conducted.
Wondering if you had any resources, web links or just general info on the course that you could send me, to help me get my positive writing style off the ground.
Appreciate any further info. or advice you have the time to relay.
Thanks heaps and congrats again on the awesome site and zine, am spreading the word in these parts!