Planting the Seed
“And after we get the Gold Award…what do we do?”
This was one of the burning questions asked by Alex, eight, last week, as he was reflecting upon the eco-journey of his school, together with 40 or so other students from the Whangarei region. Alex in his own words was trying to understand the vast concept of sustainability, key principle of the enviro-schools philosophy.
During their workshop, the students were encouraged to draw an awa (in maori:river) and place some concepts relating to the step they felt their school was at, stand on a line depending on how they view themselves in their reflection process. They were also asked to elaborate future action plans based on the five enviro-school guidelines.
As I was accompanying five ecstatic High-School eco-warriors, I spent some time observing the ten primary school students sitting around the table next to ours.
Their focus and positive attitude just blew me away! Not only did they ask pertinent questions but they were also fully engaged all-day (and at time the day did feel long!). They initiated the karakia and enthusiastically shared ideas with people around…A young year-six girl even had the final word and, with full confidence, kindly thanked the facilitators for their organisation of the workshop!
Young leaders of tomorrow…grow a tree from the planted seed. Our future is in safe hands!
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