365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog 196 – How to Take Control and Design the Life of Your Dreams
Have you ever tried custom designing your ideal month? What I mean is – have you ever tried stepping back and having a good think about the way life could be, at it’s best, if there were no barriers, if money wasn’t an issue, assuming anything was possible.
It’s best to do this when you’re in a good mood, so that you’re designing that ideal month from the perspective of utter optimism. In this way, you’re potentially creating the life of your dreams – your most enjoyable dreams. It’s a great space to ‘knit out your life’ from, and ensures you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to lay down the blue print for a happy month, which leads to the best possible life-style that you can dream up.
So I did this a month ago, and I’ve been integrating the aspects of this dream month into my weeks ever since. As I suggested, I did it when I was feeling pretty good about myself. And mama mia my month looks delicious! It was pretty simple for me, I basically found I needed more people in my day to day life plus a little more travel – not overseas (though that features in my year long plan) – but into the midst of a few cities where I plan to run some Green Dream Courses, bond with my lovely family and generally enjoy the change. Also, I was able to schedule in a few important ingredients I’d been wanting to include in my life for a while such as: learning te reo Maori in a family friendly environment, Zumba, and music. These three things alone have brought huge nourishment into my days. Maybe it’s spring, but I feel much, much happier!
Another cool thing that you can try is comparing your ideal month with your partner’s. It’s funny, most of us never sit down and map out our expectations of the way we’ll live our lives together. In sharing the different versions of your individual ideal months, it’s possible to create another version for your relationship, or your family. This can mean that unexpressed expectations are suddenly visible – on paper. It can also mean that families can integrate every body’s passion into the ways they choose to spend their time.
The funny thing is that when I broke that ideal month down into components I began to see how each part wasn’t so wildly unattainable after all. My subconscious mind quickly joined the party and began to throw up ways that I could accomplish each aspect of that month. In fact I began to see how my ideal month could actually lead to a fair amount of greater-good action for dozens of other people. So in feeding my own soul, I could in fact be inspiring others to feed there own.
I’m a person who needs some focus and structure in her life, but within that I need room to move about and be creative, or I feel overwhelmed and then I get rebellious! My ideal month is probably utterly different from yours, yet it’s deeply important as it’s already transformed my life, and if I’m happy and confident, many others benefit in this world.
The same applies to you. In getting clear about the way you’d like your life to be you can begin to take responsibility for creating it. I know it sounds a little corny, but the world really is better off if you’re happier. For some, just the thought of jotting down their ideal month on paper (in a messy, brain storm kind of way) will be quite a strange concept and rather exciting. For others, the thought that they can actually take control and alter some aspects of their months so that they feel safer, or happier, and that their unique needs might be better met, can be a revelation. If this applies to you, give yourself this chance. This exercise is free (all you need to do is sit down with a pen and paper and let it all flow out, in any form at all), it’s fun and it can open up amazing, thrilling new opportunities where previously there didn’t appear to be any.
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
Check out yesterday’s blog.
Check out the story of my first ever ebook ‘Ten Ways to Have Fun and Chillax As You Live Your Green Dreams’
Tags: dreams, green dreams
This has come at the RIGHT time for me!! And every word resonates loudly with me:)
You are So right, take control and design the life you want – nobody else will and you only have yourself to blame if you don’t !!
I am under going HUGE life changes: splitting with a partner, selling a beloved farm and at a cross roads – so if I can do this SO can you –
I know there is something better out there for me, it’s just going to be in a different place – a place that I decide what happens:)
Thank YOU for the great post and ideas – I will be a testament that you advice works:)
I know you will be Suzi
Cause you rock sista.