Tarawa Climate Change Conference
Tarawa Climate Change Conference, Kiribati, 9-10 November
350 Aotearoa coordinator Aaron Packard is travelling to Kiribati for the Tarawa Climate Change Conference 9-10 November, where he will be facilitating (alongside colleagues from Kiribati) the Kiribati Youth Climate Leadership Workshop, for 70 young Kiribati people. The youth workshop runs from 8-9 November, and on the 10th of November, local organisers are working to get thousands of people on the streets for a rally to the Tarawa Climate Change Conference to highlight the threats that Kiribati faces from climate change.
Aaron will also be visiting some of the outer islands in Kiribati to run workshops on climate change and to document how climate change is already impacting local communities and atoll islands.
You can follow Aaron as he blogs to:
What is the Tarawa Climate Change Conference?
The Tarawa Climate Change Conference is an international meeting of the ‘Climate Vulnerable Forum’, which was first initiated in the Maldives last year in preparation for the Copenhagen UN climate negotiations. The President of Kiribati is hosting representatives and leaders from 15 of the worlds most vulnerable countries as they meet to prepare for the upcoming UN negotiations in Cancun, Mexico.
More information about the TCCC is available here: http://www.climate.gov.ki/tarawa_climate_change_conference.html
What is 350?: 350 parts per million (ppm) is the safe upper limit of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
From the beginning of human history until the Industrial Revolution, global atmospheric carbon dioxide did not exceed about 280ppm. Now, after three centuries of burning coal, oil, and gas, we’re at 390ppm – that’s above any levels we’ve seen in recorded history.
350 Aotearoa is part of an international campaign to unite global communities around solutions to getting us back to a 350ppm world.
For further information or to interview Aaron from Kiribati, please contact Aaron Packard directly on 00686 93178 or email [email protected]
For further details about 350.org’s work in the Pacific, visit http://350pacific.posterous.com
And for more details of the New Zealand campaign, visit www.350.org.nz
Or for details on the global campaign, visit www.350.org
Aaron will be speaking in Auckland on Wednesday on his way back from Kiritabi.
You can find out details here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=165986463435228