Five White Roofs Mark Positive Beginnings
White roofs have worked for thousands of years in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cities. (Photo: in Architecture)
This is a short update on the White Roofs project.
The number of roofs painted white is currently at five with about 14 in the pipeline and some of these will get painted over the summer period. When the number painted reaches 10 then I think this may be sufficient to generate more media attention, and increase the momentum as people get used to the idea of white roofs. I am looking forward to collaboration with businesses and other organisations later to help move the project forward one roof at a time.
For those that will be painting their own roof during summer, remember to cover up well on sunny days to avoid looking like a lobster, as there is reflected sunlight from the roof as well as the direct overhead sun. On sunny summer days you may find it best to paint before 10.30am and after 3.30pm because during the middle part of the day the roof may get too hot for the paint to cure properly (max 40 deg). For example if the roof is too hot to keep your hand on then it’s definitely a better idea to paint later on when it is cooler. Once the first coat of white is on, the roof temperature drops significantly but it is probably still best to avoid painting during the middle part of the day because the extra reflected light can get pretty intense.
Thanks for your interest.
Tags: white roofs
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