Youth Perspective – What I Would Like To Achieve For 2011….. by Nick Thorburn
Here I sit, curious, with a mind full of un-limited decisions. I sit here, being asked to express 5 top things I will like to achieve for the year of 2011. I have many provocative, outstanding ideas that go through my brain. There are many improvements and choices for 2011. So I have selected the most vital achievements to society, myself and the whole human population. So here goes. 5: Ignore those attention seeking bullies. The world is not about them. 4: Improve all aspects of my understanding to important issues and my education. 3: As 2011 I am 13, Form 2/Year 8 that means my final year in my intermediate education which requires me to enrol at a new school. So with my best interests @ heart I and my parents have decided to enrol as a boarder at the superbly public school of ‘Auckland Boys Grammar’. 2: Have fun, enjoy myself and enjoy my last you of pre-teens before I enter teenage years and puberty LOL J 1: I will use my self-created life motto ‘Hope, dream, believe and reach your destiny’ So there are my very peculiar achievements for 2011, Stay tuned for my 2011 New Year’s resolutions. I hope you all had a very enjoyable and relaxed Christmas and I would like to wish all ‘Happyzine’ readers and writers a happy ‘New Year’ Peace and love, Nick Thorburn
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