Mount Eden Village People: Changing the World Via Community Gardens
The Mt Eden community garden is in place and ready for the 2011 and 2012 growing season. We have water now available on
site and 5 raised beds. Despite the dry summer most of the plants have survived thanks to Chrissie Hopkins and her family who watered it over the long Christmas break.
Now most of us are back from holiday we will be doing some serious weeding, sorting out of the beds for replanting and laying down some carpet, which has been donated to us, to keep the Kikuyu under control.
Plans for this year also include setting up a committee with a focus on fund raising, hopefully putting in two new raised beds and getting the Bokashi trenching working.
We hope to have all sorts of activities around the garden, especially mid winter planting of garlic, a picnic in Spring and some music to celebrate the coming together of gardeners. If you are interested in getting involved or just donating seedlings contact Michele on 630 0789(evenings) M: 021 216 1684 E: [email protected]
Tags: community gardens, organics
Voices of our community