Join Tess James, Join the New Version of ‘Club Happyzine’.
I’m Tess James, I was one of the first people to ever sign up to Happyzine. That was back when Charlotte didn’t have a website and she sent out a ‘good news’ email once a month to her friends and people she’d been in contact with. I really believe in the power of positive thinking and of keeping the faith and of the huge benefits of feeding our minds with hope building, inspiring news. That’s why I keep reading Happyzine – it reminds me that every day, in small and large ways, people are being kind to each other, and good things are happening for our planet. It helps me continue to dream and hope for a better future. I think Charlotte and her team do a superb job of keeping us readers up to date with the latest good news about the planet and our communities, so today I did something positive for Happyzine. I set up an automatic payment, I now pay Happyzine $10 per week. I can afford to pay this amount from my weekly wage and besides, I get so much from Happyzine, so it’s a small price to pay really. Would you like to join me? I thought, if some of us gave what ever we could afford per week, say $2 if you’re a student or un-waged, $5 – $10 if you’re on a lower wage or $20 if you can afford it, together, we could make a huge difference. It does cost time and money to keep this awesome good-news service afloat. Join me today if you get as much out of Happyzine as I do.
“My dream is that one day hundreds of thousands of people will wake up each morning and check out the latest inspiring news about our communities and the planet on Happyzine – stories of leadership, unsung heroes, heart warming environmental change, positive community progress and green innovation that had previously passed by untold, or un-noticed. My dream is for Happyzine to help shape a positive, healthy future for our babies. My dream is for positive inspiring news – stories of hope, equality, perseverance, visionary change, generosity and positivity to become mainstream!” Charlotte Squire
Start a weekly Automatic Payment to Happyzine today and each week you automatically go in the draw to win cool green books, holidays, music and numerous other gadgets and opportunities that magically appear at Happyzine!
Pay what you can afford.
Suggested scales:
Students or people on low income: $1 – $5 per week
People in workforce, on low income: $5 per week
Those earning middle range income: $10 – $20 per week
People fortunate enough to be on ‘high income’ (you decide!): $20 – $40 per week
One off donations are also greatly appreciated.
Kiwi’s can start A.P.s immediately to: 38-9006-0747456-00
Living overseas and like to contribute? Happyzine accepts paypal. Email [email protected] to set up payments.
Happyzine is dedicated to inspiring positive community development and environmental change via good news.
Tags: club happyzine
Voices of our community