‘Flash mob’ Meditations Awaken Public Interest in UK

Meditation 'flash mob' in Trafalgar Square, 2 June 2011 Photo © Kiran Gupta
By Seán Dagan Wood & Andre Berry – Positive News UK
Popularity of group meditation increases across London
Hundreds of meditators are converging in public spaces in London to take part in ‘flash mob’ meditations. The pre-planned events have startled passers-by when, following a signal, groups of strangers seemingly going about their business have suddenly sat down to meditate together.
Since June 2011, events have taken place at Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, and City Hall by the river Thames. They are coordinated by Wake Up London, a group of 16 to 35-year-olds inspired by the teachings of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Wake Up London believe the flash mobs are a demonstration of peace and show how anyone can sit down and experience inner silence, even in the centre of a huge city. Read more on Positive News UK.
Tags: flash mob, meditation
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