The Happyzine 2011 Mindset Spring Clean Course – for World-Changing Ladies!
Ladies! It’s time to devote a little time to ‘you’. Yes, it’s ‘me’ time, and we’ll do it together!
Join the online, ‘mindset spring-clean’ course for environmentally and socially conscious ladies.
Join me, Charlotte Squire, for a month of sweet inspiring Wednesday evenings to de-clog the mind, remember how gifted and talented we are, get back in touch with our dreams, stoke up the faith, and steep ourselves in some highly effective positive thinking techniques.
When: October 12th – November 2nd 2011
What time: 7pm – 8pm each Wednesday evening
Why: Because it’s time to let go of the stillness of winter and open up to the opportunities of summer
How: This will be an online conversation using the tool Skype as a social networking tool
Cost: $40 or $35 each if you bring a friend
To All the Mover and Shaker Ladies Out There: It Takes A Whole Lot of Energy To Change the World.
* Have you forgotten how utterly wonderful you are?
* Are you feeling slightly un-gorgeous?
* Do you have vague recollections of feeling powerful and in your centre combined with a yearning to step back and reclaim these feelings?

Charlotte Squire
* Are you fairly sure you have important dreams to pursue but darned if you can remember quite what they are?
* And then there’s good old self-doubt, has it gotten a grip on you?
* Perhaps you need a wee bit of fine tuning to reclaim that zestiness of yours?
If any of these questions ring true, it’s time to chillax and have fun as we reclaim our mojos, together, but in different places.
Participate in a confidential, positive, honest, deeply inspiring ongoing conversation; lead and facilitated by Happyzine founder and editor Charlotte Squire (find out more about Charlotte here) this month as you get real about how you’re feeling, what you need and what you’d really like to create during this amazing life-time of yours.
* Remember and nourish your strengths and your dreams
* Create a set of written and visual affirmations that support you and help you allow success into your life
* Set one goal per week for four weeks to help you calm down, re-focus and renew
* Watch positive thinking videos from some of the world’s most inspiring speakers who know about building hope and creating positive momentum
* Feel the unity within a group of intelligent, socially and environmentally conscious ladies who are ready to remember how brilliant they are
Depart this course with:
* A clear vision of exactly how you intend to experience your summer and life beyond
* A renewed sense of confidence in your ability to thrive and enjoy life
* A long, inspiring online conversation you can refer back to any time
* A new set of contacts, relationships and perhaps even friends
* Hope for a happy future
Sign up for the ‘Happyzine 2011 Mindset Spring Clean Course – for World-Changing Ladies’ and receive a free copy of Charlotte Squire’s ebook ‘Ten Ways to Chillax and Have Fun As you Live Your Green Dreams’.
Note: this course needs a minimum of ten people to go ahead so tell your friends!
Charlotte Squire regularly leads inspiring online courses – see some feedback from course participants:
“Charlotte is truely amazing in providing support and reassurance to stick to your dreams: “One step at a time”, “Follow your heart” and “Trust the process”. After the course I feel I have made the first steps to rediscover myself and over time realise my big green dream for transforming urban transport: “Move slowly and you get there!”. Willemijn Vermaat, Green Dreams Course participant, 2011.
“The Green Dream Launch Pad course has introduced me to other wonderful green dreamers and to the wise, empathetic and inspirational Charlotte. The course has provided me with strategies to pursue and see my green dream all the way through. I often have what I think are “good ideas” but never have the courage to see them through – this course and the support from Charlotte and encouragement from my fellow green dreamers has changed that because of the enthusiasm everyone has for my idea and also all the practical advice the course as provided.” Sarah Pritchett, Green Dreams Course participant, 2011.
“It has been really good to do the green dream course with Charlotte, wonderful encouragement, insightful, very helpful structure to get things going and the support of a group of like minded green dreamers is priceless! I heartily recommend it!“ Gee Heijneman, Green Dream Course participant, 2011
“It was just what I needed and I got so much out of it, far more than I had imagined beforehand. The strong positive encouragement and emphasis on self belief really helped …” Rebecca Toon, New Zealand – Course participant, 2010.
“Charlotte Squire is one of the most positive, enthusiastic people I know.” Anna Lakeman – Mentor Client, 2011
Charlotte Squire lives in a small, actively green community called Golden Bay, in New Zealand. From this secure, pristine base, she reaches out to the world with her messages of ‘dream big and dream green’. She has a B.A. with a double major in Politics and Social Policy and is mid-way through an M.A in Social Policy focusing upon positive green change. Charlotte has worked within the environmental arena for the past ten years – including the New Zealand Green Party, BIO-GRO NZ (organic certification agency), and Greenpeace NZ. She has run an environment centre, she has researched and compiled inspiring green information for a range of organizations. She has been a freelance writer for the past ten years, exploring positive environmental change. She started Happyzine in 2007, so as to inspire positive change via inspiring stories of what’s possible. Under the Happyzine umbrella she’s worked with some of today’s most inspiring change makers through her work developing: Wild Energy – the green energy design challenge, DreamtoReality – the green mentor opportunity, and most recently a series of green dream courses for positive environmental change makers who are serious about taking their ideas into a fruitful reality. She also recently wrote the ebook ‘Ten Ways to Chillax and Have Fun As You Live Your Green Dreams‘.
Email [email protected] for an application pack.
Tags: chillax and have fun, courses
Hi there this sounds like a very interesting and well needed course. How do i sign up for it
Thank You
Hannah Green
Hey there Hannah,
just email [email protected] anytime,
with thanks,