Comments on: The healing power of sunlight by Joel Le Blanc Because good news makes a difference Fri, 08 Feb 2013 17:33:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gracious Gracious Mon, 05 Mar 2012 10:55:41 +0000 p.s. of course first comment could read ..............."We’d all be dead withOUT ‘Him’ and easy ..... :-) p.s. of course first comment could read ……………”We’d all be dead withOUT ‘Him’ and easy
….. :-)

By: Gracious Gracious Mon, 05 Mar 2012 10:22:57 +0000 What a pleasure to read such UNIVERSAL good common sense and logic re the SUN. To the Maya "Father Sun" is the 'right eye of God' and is presented by the colour RED. So one could say wearing Red is a warm experience. :-) Has always made sense to me that the Sun is our friend. We'd all be dead with 'Him' and easy to see why/how we are energized by the feel of Him on our skin. [yes yes in the mornings for a Sun'Bath' is best as this article explains.... Great reading, thanks :-) What a pleasure to read such UNIVERSAL good common sense and logic re the SUN. To the Maya “Father Sun” is the ‘right eye of God’ and is presented by the colour RED. So one could say wearing Red is a warm experience. :-)

Has always made sense to me that the Sun is our friend. We’d all be dead with ‘Him’ and easy to see why/how we are energized by the feel of Him on our skin. [yes yes in the mornings for a Sun’Bath’ is best as this article explains….

Great reading, thanks :-)
