Comments on: What’s the deal with mood swings? Paul Smetana Because good news makes a difference Sat, 01 Oct 2016 06:13:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pip Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:08:06 +0000 Completely agree Paul! It is easy to feel – especially in times like these that our lives have swung beyond our control… but what better time to learn and understand that the true power lies within, that it really is up to us. Every day I see myself moving closer to this truth; when the emotions come up, I can now smile (sometimes after a bit of a cry/yell/whatever!) and thank them for their lesson. Do you have similar experiences or your own understanding?

By: Paul Smetana Mon, 26 Mar 2012 07:15:17 +0000 Hi Pip,
Loved your ideas on wayward energies being a real mood swinger. This is a part extention on what Astrology offers us, in that there are influences from tne planets that Wwill move us in all sorts of magical ways. Your idea of the further energies in and out of alignment is a good one to remind us that we are not alone in an infinately large universe.

My only concern here is the possible problem that people may consider these influences as out of their control, because of tne thinking, who can control the way the universe can act.

Never the less, sometimes its a good thing to acknoweldge that personal control might be further enhanced in the way you described.

Warm regards,

By: Pip Mon, 26 Mar 2012 00:49:19 +0000 There is a lot going on energetically in the world at the moment… Can we deny all the earthquakes, flooding and other bizarre weather patterning? And let’s not forget solar flares and other galactic scale events! It is a lot for the little human body to process, especially the more sensitive of us. I believe the mood swings is a normal part of this process, I for one have been experiencing them intensely myself. Part of this process, is to let it be a process. Let the change move through us rather than hold onto it and let it disrupt and disturb us (this is the theory anyway!), and remember that there are many of us in this together. But hey, I could be entirely wrong, it may all be in our heads 😉
