Comments on: Raw food: Cacao – food of enlightenment (and sexy dancing) by Sarah Lea Because good news makes a difference Sat, 01 Oct 2016 06:13:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: sarah Sat, 14 Jul 2012 10:50:12 +0000 Hi Joyce
There are definitely two camps out about this one. I too have read the pros and cons and see that cacao in moderation is fine for me. However, like all substances put into the body…some people can be intolerant, some can reap benefits. Personally, my body works well on raw chocolate and knows when enough is enough. Same is said regarding my children. In fact, my eldest only likes small amounts occasionally…and actually has more problems with sweetners such as honey, agave nectar and maple syrup. And on that matter, she is totally intolerant of refined sugars.

Chocolate saviours are made for my children in mind, with maca to support adrenals. I would not let my children anywhere near to refined and processed sweets and would prefer to help people relax and feel at ease through eating raw chocolate rather than alcohol, tobacco or other social mind-inducing drugs.

I believe everyone has a choice and an opinion. My articles here are merely a raw rambling of my week. If people are interested in this fantastically nutritious lifestyle, they are able to make well informed choices.

I value your comment, thank you for reading and I trust that you will enjoy my upcoming articles.
For more enlightening information on raw chocolate, please refer to the outstanding book ‘Naked Chocolate’ by David Wolfe and Shazzie.

By: Joyce Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:30:28 +0000 Tania
Thankfully I don’t need artificial love chemicals or mood enhancers to enjoy life and have a good time……and I am concerned with children grabbing hands full of chocolate “saviours”!…and find the term ‘Cacao high’ quite michevious….this so called ‘raw food’ is not what it seems……the dealers are only out to make money & defining if it is “Fairtrade” is even murky……and I have readup & researched this before I read this article…it is NOT as harmless as is made out.


By: Tania Fri, 13 Jul 2012 07:08:49 +0000 Joyce-Moderation is the key. Many things could be dangerous in large quantities-water even! Cacau has been eaten by people for hundreds of years-maybe longer, I think if it were so “dangerous” it would have fallen out of favour by now and we would have seen laws banning it. Please don’t believe everything you read, try a little research of your own. Peace, Tania

By: Joyce Tue, 10 Jul 2012 05:45:46 +0000 Dear Sarah
I am very happy for you that you are loving our beautiful country and feel so at home here and I wish you well, however I would like to suggest readers of your Cacao dance party do a bit of research into the dangers of raw cacao and its many toxins & chemicals detrimental not only to the human body & mind but affecting the nervous system. Raw cacao beans contain brain altering ingredients found in Morphine & LSD taken in large quantities giving false euphoria and hallucinations.

By: sarah Tue, 03 Jul 2012 07:32:56 +0000 tania…so delicious to find some fellow cacao party monsters!!! YAY! loving creating good times in our new home…lets think of some more raw living excuses to bring out the old party games. Twister anyone?!

By: sarah Tue, 03 Jul 2012 07:28:19 +0000 hey joni…several excellent websites to continue your partying days!
give these a go. when i was living in the uk it was much easier to buy online. I agree with you and more. I find that eating raw living foods is ecstatic enough…but add the cacao party concoctions and you grow your wings and fly fly fly.;) How I love a good party…without the hangover the next day!

have fun out there <3

By: Tania Tue, 03 Jul 2012 04:43:36 +0000 Much aroha Sarah, it was a beautiful celebration and such amazing treats for us you created. Haven’t played charades in such a long time, fun fun fun. We awoke with smiles on sunday, sweet memories of a most gorgeous elfin/pixie girl/woman with pink boots sharing raw chocolate uppers ~:)x

By: Joni Bee Mon, 02 Jul 2012 18:06:30 +0000 Wow what an amazing sounding celebration you had.
I’d love to try this Dancing Queen recipe….alas I’m not sure I’ll find all those ingredients in Istanbul?
I once had ‘Cacao Bombs’ bought from a local organic health shop…I took these for our dance parties…whilst my friends were taking ‘harder stuff’ – I was able to keep up with them whilst loving my body still.

Thanks for reminding me of good times as well 😀

Joni Bee
