Comments on: Raw Food: Loosing weight and gaining energy – by Sarah Lea Because good news makes a difference Sat, 01 Oct 2016 06:13:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: sarah Mon, 16 Jul 2012 22:18:47 +0000 thanks for adding that James. Totally…keeping animal products out of my diet has helped on many levels…especially where digestion and therefore energy levels and weight loss are concerned.There is of course the animal welfare and the planets well being to add to that too.

I found that moving to raw plant foods only enhanced my vitality.Having been vegan before, I sensed that there was more around the corner! Cleansing, energy giving and full of life, raw living (add to that seasonal and local)I feel, is the natural diet for our species. Adding raw foods to a vegan diet benefits us with maximum nutrition, protein, flavour, health and energy.I believe that organic raw food is superior than its cooked twin in vitamin content, enzymes, coenzymes, protein, minerals, glyconutrients and many other elements of nutrition. If ‘sticking’ to the ‘diet’ makes us unhappy however…we are getting it wrong. Raw is there to help us live our life more fully, freeing up energy to enjoy ourselves rather than feeling entrapped by another set of diet rules.

Having said all this, raising children on a vegan diet does require a little extra help..supplementing them for the few but essential elements that are missing or low in a vegan diet.If there are problems with digestion, it could be because vegans can find it hard to digest the quantities needed to maintain great teeth and good dense growth. I find chewing childrens food to give my enzymes to aid the breakdown of food or eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchee can greatly assist the digestive process. Add to that green smoothies where I can ensure that the children are eating a huge array of greens that when blended are already part digested.

By: James Wilson Mon, 16 Jul 2012 03:58:20 +0000 Rather that getting into dieting, try going vegan as a lifestyle choice. Your weight stabilises at a good level, generally below what you start out at, and your real and feared ailments vanish.
