Fair Trade Fortnight: 4th — 19th May 2013
Fairtrade Karma; Buy Fairtrade and Good Things Will Happen
Fair Trade Fortnight (4th — 19th May 2013) is a nationwide celebration of the difference that choosing fair makes for millions of farmers in developing countries. The more Fairtrade Certified products we buy in New Zealand, the greater the improvement to the standard of living for farmers and workers, and their families and communities in developing countries.
Grab a Fairtrade coffee/tea on your way to work & you could get that pay rise you’ve been waiting for. Get #FairtradeKarma by choosing Fairtrade chocolate, drinks, bananas, & T-shirts as well.
Buying Fairtrade means good things also happen for millions of farmers, through fair prices & Fairtrade Premium invested in community projects, & also for the environment through more sustainable farming.
So if you want good things to happen, look for the Mark & buy Fairtrade. Remember when good things happen, tell the world about it #FairtradeKarma
Tags: fairtrade
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