Happyzine goes pay-what-you-can-afford this June 1st – Join us!

It’s what we cover: Power Shift Flash Mob
Kia ora,
I’m Charlotte Squire, founder of www.happyzine.co.nz. I live in the north west tip of the South Island, New Zealand, near the beautiful Waikoropupu Springs, in Golden Bay.
After five years of building up this groovy good news website and supporting countless awesome people and groups to live their dreams by helping them reach out to people like you, I’d like to ask you to help me live my dream of running a financially sustainable good news website, by paying-what-you-can-afford to join Club Happyzine. Even $1 per week will be welcomed with gratitude.
This move has come after years of exploring the most sustainable way forward for Happyzine, and after much thought and many discussions with Happyzine supporters. It’s not a decision made lightly. You’re welcome to leave your feedback below as a comment.
What’s next?
As of June 1st all members of Club Happyzine will continue to receive an ezine update, complete with a week’s worth of inspiring news from around Aotearoa and Club Happyzine prize giveaways, and lush green member discounts.
We will launch a new, shorter ezine for people who aren’t members of Club Happyzine, to continue to share some good news with them.
We’ve chosen this model so that most people can continue to access the inspiring news, regardless of their income scale (see below). Later this year, the whole Happyzine website will turn into a membership website. This means Club Happyzine members will be able to access the entire website and non-members will have limited access to the thousands of positive news articles.
Yes indeed, times they are a chang’n. This is the great unknown for me. I really hope it works!
If you’re ready to join Club Happyzine today. Here’s how:
Pay what you can afford.
Suggested scales:
Students or people on low income: $1 – $2 per weekPeople in workforce, on low income: $3 per week
Those earning middle range income: $3-$5 per week
People fortunate enough to be on ‘high income’ (you decide!): $5 – $7 per week
One off donations are also greatly appreciated and providing they’re more than $30 will join you up to Club Happyzine.
Kiwi’s can start A.P.s immediately to: 38-9006-0747456-00. Be sure to email your Name and address to: [email protected] to sign up.
With sincere thanks,
Charlotte Squire
The Good Spies. You’re out there. We just know it. Witnessing the inspiration in your community. Noting acts of kindness where others might only see traffic. Finding good news stories in the wilderness of the mainstream media. You have a gift! And it’s time to unleash it! Send your good news stories, images, and links to: [email protected] and let the good news do its thang … (ripple outwards, spread hope, inspire more good news etc, etc). Read more.
Tags: club happyzine
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