Intention setting – your emotional vitamin – by Charlotte Squire

Image of Charlotte by Carrie Dobbs photography, Golden Bay.
Positive thinking really is a choice. We can choose to give it a go, or forget about it. It can influence our attitude profoundly, and ripple out into all areas of our lives, including the people around us.
One thing I try to remember to is set intentions for my day. We know we need to feed our bodies good fuel, it’s important to extend that kindness to our minds too.
I like to get really selective about exactly the kind of day I’d love to experience. This can be fun. Although I really don’t have much control over anyone or anything around me, this act does set the tone for my attitude, and the way I respond to life.
I might order up a “day full of kind acts” or a “day full of joy and laughter.” If I’m tired I’ll dial up “some time to happily relax.” Or if I’m nervous about something, I usually calm down and get clear about the way I’d ideally love to feel, and then I announce I will feel that way, or even better I’ll visualize it happening. I might even be thankful for it, as if I’ve already experienced it.
Somehow, even if only on a subtle level, I always get what I ask for.
As a singer/songwriter who regularly performs, I still get nervous before gigs. This is partly sheer excitement. It’s partly because I feel as if I’m baring my soul to the world when I share my songs. And it’s also because there’s a part of me that would much rather remain ‘unseen’ and ‘anonymous’. There’s a greater part of me that just loves to sing and share what I’ve composed. Though I absolutely love it when people dance or smile or even cry in response to my music, the most important place to feel good about it is in my own heart.
After years of playing around with great pre-gig techniques – from everything from feeling the fear right before the performance (rendered me voiceless, wouldn’t go there again) to hollering back stage and jumping up and down to warm up (worked far better). I can confirm that setting intention for the way I would like to feel while I’m performing works remarkably well. The more detailed and involved in the way I’d like to feel during a gig that I can get, pre-gig, the better it tends to go.
And the same applies to health, work, finance, all areas of life. Although I must admit I find it easier to intention set for some areas of my life, rather than others. I just keep chipping away gently at the parts of me I’d love to take to a new level, and I gently change.
I think it’s worth saying that it can also, collectively be applied to environmental and social issues that we long to positively influence. This is a key reason I set up Happyzine.
Most importantly, always, the positive intention makes a difference.
Charlotte Squire, Founder of Happyzine.
Tags: Blog, positive thinking
Well spoken from heart
Thanks for posting this reminder to think positive. Just what I needed today. I’m going to take your advice and set my intent for the day, even though it is 1:30pm!
Thanks for your comments Linda and Ray, yes, this can work no matter what kind of mood you’re in. And it’s so easy!