30 days of photos because “creativity is a habit not a talent”

Is this filtering gone too far? What it is though, is a hard working man nestled amongst the fruits of his toils….well Kale and chopped wood that is….Simon Williams
Wanaka based photographer Simon Williams explains his reasons for taking up the challenge of sharing one image per day with the world on tumblr.com. For him, it’s about “being part of a growing creative community.”
I can’t believe it’s been almost two weeks. I saw a post on Facebook that intrigued and excited me. Sam Rye is someone who I admire. I like the way his brain works. I like the projects he is involved with.

I’m working on a project for work which Tim has rather kindly been helping me sort out this afternoon….He’s a major driving force behind the Wanaka Timebank and The Upper Clutha Trading post. If you’re living or hanging out in Wanaka for a wee while, you should check out both of these awesome initiatives. Simon Williams
up. I love that. The image you submit has to be captured that day. The feelings and emotions you have from your daily life are embedded within that image. To me….that’s very exciting.

After all this rain, it was such a pleasant surprise to find sunshine washing photons all over the sodden mountain sides. I always say I’m going to, but to be honest, I hardly ever, yet this morning I jumped in the car and drove down to the lake. An early morning photon capturing mission. Camera in hand. I’d seen Mount Roy from the kitchen window and I knew it was looking splendid. I really didn’t expect Bremner bay to be quite so still….
I noticed that I was being reminded of a biscuit tin lid. An old one. A Swiss Alp scene perhaps, left in the cupboard a little too long, the biscuits long gone, a few keep sakes stashed away for a surprise finding many moons later.
The style I’ve developed this week has been fun, yet I’m being drawn towards it more and more. It’s becoming easy. Not so satisfying. I think I need to step away for a while. Who knows what #day9 will bring….. Simon Williams
30daysofphotography.tumblr.com is where it’s happening. Coming together has never been so easy. I’m a firm believer that images and design can drive social change. An honest, deep rooted, sustainable change. This a perfect way to practice, increase our skills and come together. Do you have time for this? Possibly not. Should that stop you, hell no!
Simon Williams
Education for Sustainability Facilitator & Educator / Graphic Designer / Photographer – Wanaka Wastebusters
Tags: Arts, photography
love this, it’s so true that creativity is a HABIT! Great to see such a project and I especially loved the night sky photos when I went to the tumblr site… THANKS all round!
Thanks a million Charlotte & Happyzine crew for featuring and sharing the word about the project! It really started as a “just want to nurture a little of my own creativity” idea, and delighted to have some friends and new friends along for the ride!
If anyone else wants to join us for the remaining days, or start their own 30 day challenge with a few friends – just hop on over to the site and take a look around, or head straight to http://30daysofphotography.tumblr.com/getinvolved