Tukurua Mel’s first local shop
By Melanie Walker, Tukurua, Golden Bay.
Melanie and her partner Gerard are Kiwis eating food grown and produced within a 200 km radius for 30 days of April in the Happyzine Eat Local Challenge.
When I read about the challenge I thought our lives wouldn’t need much tweaking in order to eat locally. Its my partner and myself with a daughter and grandaughter sometimes. I chose wheat as our extra grain, figuring I can make bread and pasta with it. We have a vege garden, chookies, our own meat in the freezer, so after a stock take I did my week’s grocery shopping (photo attached). After I got it all home it occurred to me that when I get myself organised enough to get some oil off Jo and Steve at Golden Bay Olives then everything (except the wheat) will come from Golden Bay….so thought I will try to make my challenge to eat this side of the Takaka Hill.
Out of that milk (7 litres for $17.50) I made 220gms butter, 200 mls sour cream, about 850 gm feta cheese (its still in the press so havent weighed it yet) and 2 litres of yoghurt. The olive oil is going to be the most expensive, so hoping the butter lasts! I’ve been working long hours in town so dealing with all the milk products in the evenings and mornings has been hectic. Next time I’ll do that on a day off.
On the second night we have a vegan coming for dinner….seeing as we are relying on dairy and eggs and meat so much this will be a challenge, but I did manage to find some walnuts from Upper Takaka. I wouldn’t like to be dairy, egg or meat free to be doing this, thats for sure!
And oh yes, my morning cup of coffee is the 5%.
I started my own blog which I’m still tweaking www.tukurualocalfoods.com
Tags: eat local, eat local challenge
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