Jizzy gets into detail on day two eating local
By Jizzy Green, Katikati, Bay of Plenty
They are Kiwis eating food grown and produced within a 200 km radius for 30 days of April in the Happyzine Eat Local Challenge.
Note: Jizzy and her partner Mike will be eating local in Fiji for half of the challenge, and are intending to live off local food there too, reporting back on their experiences if they can access internet.
Thursday, 2 April, Day 2:
Today I started my day as always, two organic coffees in short sharp succession, to clear the sleep cobwebs. Mike had oneRooibos tea and one Liquorice tea. None of our morning drinks fits the 200km zone but we think they could fit the 5% condiments percentage.
Our breakfast consisted of a smoothie mostly from the garden: two Monty’s Surprise apples, two red apples, 24 feijoas, 1/2 lime, skinned and three golden kiwifruit (locally grown). As previously mentioned, we have house guests, hence the big quantities as we share this with them. It was really sweet and delicious.
Feijoa mid-morning snack. 1 coffee for myself. I needed it! Last day of term!
We had leftovers from last night’s raw food spring rolls – grated carrot, kohlrabi, green herb sauce, shredded red cabbage, raw food mayonnaise and home-grown olives, with half a locally grown avo each.
As an afternoon snack, we had a home grown fig, a carrot from Hawke’s Bay (28km out of our radius) and black tea, milk and honey (latter 2 sourced from within our 200km.

Gem squash, gherkins in ACV, green herb sauce and rice salad
I cooked some rice, poured the juice of 2 limes over it, a generous knob of Tararua butter (Auckland), salt and ground pepper. Into that I chopped several home-grown or local sourced vegetables – capsicum, carrot, kohlrabi, parsley, basil, cucumber, courgettes and 1 Tbspn home made Apple Cider Vinegar. I also made a little side dish of sliced home-grown gherkins (I never did get to pickle them) in a little ACV, steamed home-grown squash with butter and leftover raw green herb sauce from yesterday.
For dessert, I sliced some Monty’s Surprise apples, layered them in an oven-proof dish, blended some feijoas with lime juice and drizzled that over the apples, then sprinkled a cinnamon and sugar mix over the top before baking for 45 minutes. I should have added 1/4 cup water to make the apples softer, but still, with Tip Top ice-cream (made in Auckland), it was really quite yummy!
I like that lolly treat 2 -3 times a day and really miss that, as I think the Pascal lollies just don’t seem right to be having, not sure?
I miss not having wheat flour or spelt flour to bake treats with.
Not sure if we can keep this challenge up over the next couple of days as we travel to Fiji. If I had more time to plan, perhaps I could have thought of some good local snacks to take – as it is, we will take Ceres (Auckland-based company) Trail Mix and raw food bars. They are made and packaged in Auckland, but using all imported ingredients. Too bad, but don’t want to add more stress to our travel.
Having to pack and blog – hmmn, pressure! I normally write a travel diary – this time round, I will be taking my bulky laptop, so I can blog – that will be a challenge too!
Yay! Tomorrow we will be leaving our home, garden and cat in the hands of our German helpers and driving to an airport motel so that we can leave for Fiji on Saturday morning.
Looking forward to sights like this! Taken in July 2013.

Local Fiji food: street vendors….
Tags: eat local, eat local challenge
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