Ashley ponders the great smoothie ingredient dilemma in the Kiwi Eat Local Challenge
By Ashley Scott of team ‘Eats in the Bay.
Kiwis eating food grown and produced within a 200 km radius for 30 days of April in theHappyzine Eat Local Challenge.
So this is day four of the local food challenge, to be honest we got off to a slow start. We just got back from a holiday in Katikati and Mt Maunganui where we managed to eat about 80% local. Like any normal person I take a few kilos of organic spelt flour with me on holiday, so I made a few batches of savory muffins using local eggs, spinach, cheese, herbs etc. Having two small children in toe meant that we often had sushi or Mexicali Fresh for lunch (Mexicali Fresh claim that their produce is local so I don’t think that was a cheat?).
Now that we are home it is so much easier, we went to the markets this morning for local eggs, meat and produce. Oh, by the way, that butter in the photo above….made it, out of local milk.
I’m so glad that I chose spelt as our non local item, it’s saved me!
One thing that im going to struggle with is bananas, I usually make a smoothie for breakfast with homemade almond milk, banana, chia, berries…..So that’s basically out!
Tags: eat local challenge
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