Melanie’s local and homemade pizza saves the day
By Melanie Walker, Tukurua
Kiwis eating food grown and produced within a 200 km radius for 30 days of April in the Happyzine Eat Local Challenge.
We spent 4 delightful calm blue and sunny hours out in the bay fishing last weekend to get us through the last local food challenge week, see photos for some of the catch. Imagine my dismay tonight to get home at 5.30 after work in the dark and cold to realise I had forgotten to take it out of the freezer! Then I remembered my special sourdough (recipe: make dough in the breadmaker 4 days ago and accidentally forget about it). With home preserved passata, goat salami from Ivor’s Takaka Valley Homestay, the last of the Wangapeka feta, and Janet Huddlestones preserved nastursum seeds insread of capers we could whip up a local pizza, something I never would have thought of otherwise. And we still have the fish! Were going out to the Wholemeal tomorrow so this is our grand finale cooking night.
Tags: eat local challenge
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