Student visions are turned to reality for five NZ schools

Mural design from Stanmore Bay Primary.
The winners of Keep New Zealand Beautiful’s Wall Worthy competition have been named and are set to Paint New Zealand Beautiful.
In its 5th year, the Wall Worthy competition celebrates our communities, local legends and unheard stories in a way that will visually improve the environment. KNZB asked schools to submit what makes their town or school unique and illustrate how they would tell their story through a painted mural.
KNZB General Manager, Heather Saunderson, says this nationwide initiative is a behavioural change campaign aimed at the elimination and prevention of graffiti vandalism from a community based approach. “There tends to be a reduction in tagging when urban murals, reflective of the local community, are used to replace graffiti vandalised walls” says Saunderson.
The winners are:
Stanmore Bay Primary School
“The Sky’s the limit”
Raetihi School
“Nga Taonga O Raetihi/The talents and gifts of Raetihi”
Ohakune Primary School
“Here and Now”
Hoon Hay Primary
“Earthquake Survival”
Renwick Kindergarten
“We are Renwick Kindergarten”
Each winner will receive Resene Paint Vouchers, drop cloths, stickers and treats to get theirmural started. On completion of the mural, they will also receive a Panasonic TV and a Digital Camera. The winning schools have until the end of term three to complete their mural.
KNZB said they were overwhelmed by the tremendous effort put in to the entries and that they would be sending each registrant a small gift. They hoped that local communities would support local schools that entered so that all the murals could go ahead.
Wall Worthy 2015 is proudly sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, Panasonic and Resene.
Tags: Arts
Voices of our community