Weekend news hug: Meet George, he’s exploring some amazing spaces

Coming up this week George visits a floating pool in a converted barn in Italy. He meets a couple making a home from portable office cabins and a schoolteacher who found a pond under her garden.
Who said TV’s full of negative, mind numbing shite? Well maybe I did once. But here’s yet another series I’m in love with: British architect George Clark’s on a mission to discover and celebrate the world’s most innovative small space designs – from converted train carriages to magical garden rooms. Here in New Zealand it’s on Thursdays, channel three, at 7.30 pm.
I love and adore a good green design idea and this series is littered with them. The passionate George gets all excited, every episode, about yet another clever, ingenious, never been done before idea. You can find it here, or tune in on Thursday nights. I am!
Tags: green design
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