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Wondrous Wednesday! There’s so much to give thanks for
Submitted by Charlotte on October 7, 2015 – 4:20 am 3 Comments
It’s that time of the week again, when we pause to take stock of the things that really matter. Did you know that the more we give thanks for the beauty in our lives, the more beauty we find? Try it yourself.
Charlotte x
PS check out my upcoming course: Power of the Positive – Spring online course
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Tags: gratitude
My handsome husband
hope you read this Marty. My beautiful babies. My strong healthy body. My tremendous possie of girlfriends – who light up my life with wisdom, humour and company. My little sister Jenny because she is blossoming.
it’s Thursday now, but I’m gonna pretend it’s Wed for the next few minutes, k?
my 5 things this morning are :
1. my local cafe that’s like my living room,
2. this laptop that connects me to the world
3. my washing machine! I love my washing machine!
4. musician friends that light up my ears
5. this glorious day, to create in
I love my washing machine too!!!