Online course Power of the Positive starts today – and there’s still room for you

Sometime life feels awesome, sometimes it doesn’t, the power of positivity comes in useful either way – Charlotte Squire
Kia ora you awesome human bean. I’m Charlotte Squire, strangely optimistic founder of (as in – if you knew my journey, you’d think I was strange for still being here running this good news site!).
But I must say, all this positive thinking has made a profound difference to my own sweet life … I had to be brave though.
So I’m doing this cool thing – I’m running an online course for Kiwis called Power of the Positive. We have some very excited people signed up and I’d love you to join us too.
It starts at 5.30 this evening and you can still join in!
So if you have a dream you’re lusting after, if your heart tells you it’s time to call it in, this course can help.
The really cool thing is it’s got a distinctly Kiwi flavour. I’m talking native bush, NZ music and my awesome Kiwi accent. Plus three other uber inspiring Kiwis who have travelled their own journey with positivity and claimed some beautiful results.
This could be you too!
Click here for the important info.
Tino pai!
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