Anything is possible – yeah, nah, it really is
Of all the messages I would like to give you this Christmas, or Solstice, or new year, it’s that anything, truly anything is possible. So don’t give up. Because this really, really is true.
If you find yourself doubting, then it’s time to be kinder to yourself – rest – talk to someone you love – walk – listen to beautiful music – laugh with someone – because at our core, humans are joyous, expansive beings. Happiness is our birthright, and when we don’t feel good it’s time to stop and realign with the truth of being human.
Someone once said to me that tiredness often thwarts our self belief. And as someone going through the teething stage with a ten month old baby, I’m finding I have to be very careful with myself and my dreams right now.
My dreams, especially the baby ones, are like new monarch butterflies, fresh and delicate and worthy of protection until they fly off and create a life of their own.
And I want to focus on the climate – because anything is possible for the climate, truly anything. We have just come together as a world population and agreed to create a healthy climate, we’ve agreed to stop using fossil fuels by 2050, even this seemed impossible a year ago. So guess what? Now we can have fun making that happen. We can apply our creative genius to come up with all sorts of ways to do this. We have to do this – so we’re are. That’s all it is – even environmentally – we need to do it differently now, so we are.
It really is that simple.
One small thing – I find that while any things possible, I can only focus on so many dreams at a time, so I’d like to add that while anything is possible, it’s far more like to happen if you tackle one or two things at a time. It’s a matter of focusing your genius.
So what ever’s happening for you right now – take loving care of yourself (that’s a priority) and allow yourself to realise how powerful you are. Who are you be at your most joyful and creative? It’s worth pondering this because there’s nothing you can’t have or be if it’s your true heart’s desire.
So be brave and contemplate your true heart’s desire.
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