Weeds as Medicines Part 2 – by Dunedin Naturopath Francisca Griffin
Listen to the online pod cast via Access Internet Radio here.
More weeds as medicines, have a listen via the link above.
Disclaimer! Please, do be aware that weed medicine as well as being very effective, can be harmful if used incorrectly or in vast quantities! If you are on any medications or supplements or herbal medicines, consult your healthcare professional before ingesting.
Here’s some recipes from the show
Nettle/ Urtica dioca
Nettle Tea
Gather your nettles (wear gloves!) just before they flower, roots & all. Cut the roots off & wash carefully. Spread the plants out on paper, or hang to dry in the shade, or hot water cupboard. If you have a dehydrator, they are perfect for drying herbs, use the lowest setting, and check often.
2- 3 cups of nettle tea daily is the recommended dose.
Use the roots and leaves for prostate and bladder problems, the leaves for everything else. You will need to take this for at least 30 days to see the full, lasting effects.
Nettle Hair rinse
Gather your nettles, (gloves!) fill a wide mouth jar and top up with cider vinegar – let this steep for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dark spot, shaking occasionally. Decant the vinegar (put the nettles in your compost), and use a tablespoon in a basin of warm water and run it through your hair until it’s well worked through.
Sage/Salvia officinalis
we’re talking about the grey-green Sage, it is extraordinarily good at halting night sweats, or indeed any excess sweating. A cup before bed, made with 3 biggish leaves will do the job nicely. But, please, don’t take it for any longer than 3 weeks, give your body a break for 2 weeks, then use it again. This is because of its oestrogen mimicking ability – don’t want too much of that in your system!
Sage tea is very good for headaches as well, make as above.
As a gargle for sore throats Sage works well as it is antiseptic.
It is used for gingivitis/loose teeth, rub your gums with the fresh leaves.
It has been used as a rinse for grey hair, you could make a vinegar like I described above with Nettle – the two infused together would make a lovely rinse.
Sage is contraindicated in pregnancy & breast feeding – don’t use it if you are either pregnant or breast feeding. However – if you want to stop breast feeding, Sage will turn your milk off!
Peppermint – Mentha x piperita
Peppermint tea is good for all manner of complaints:
In all cases 3 cups daily is my recommendation.
Dyspepsia/indigestion – BUT – if you have reflux DO NOT drink this tea. This applies to peppermint sweets as well! Peppermint causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax (the valve that passes food & drink into your stomach), it is this herb’s ability to relax the muscles in your digestive system that brings relief.
Peppermint is also very good for the common cold, fevers & flu, as it is a diaphoretic – it will induce sweating, allowing your body to burn up and sweat out the invaders.
It can also be used for sleep and anxiety problems, you will see that it is present in most teas sold for insomnia.
Nausea can also be relieved by use of the tea.
If you are on Iron supplementation, drink the tea at different times to your Iron intake, as Peppermint will considerably reduce the absorption of the iron.
Around the house essential oil of Peppermint will deter mice and black ants, use 5-10 drops weekly around the areas they frequent, apply direct or onto fabric scraps tucked away.
A few drops in an oil burner will help to clear your mind, and relieve fatigue.
Tags: dunedin, herbs, natural medicine, well being
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