Article Archive for July 2016
Expert encourages public to adopt permaculture approach to rivers in the Hutt

Expert urges new way to appreciate Hutt River
While many Lower Hutt residents love the Hutt River, they can take it for granted.
Next Monday an international expert will urge residents to look at Hutt River in …
Paraparaumu named New Zealand’s most neighbourly town

Paraparaumu has topped more than 100 towns and cities across the country to win the first ever Neighbours Day Aotearoa Town of the Year title.
The title recognises the efforts Paraparaumu residents made to help turn …
Koha café concept a hit in Naenae

A community project offering affordable healthy lunches in the Lower Hutt suburb of Taita has become so popular it has expanded to neighbouring Naenae where it has also been embraced.
The Koha Café, run by community …
The sexy stormwater issue and why we need to see it as a resource here in NZ

By Charlotte Squire
Storm water run off. These are about the least sexy words girl could use to start an article. And yet here I am bringing you news of an exciting solution to a Kiwi …
New walking access mapping system now live, opening up spaces for Kiwis

The New Zealand Walking Access Commission has launched an improved version of its free nationwide Walking Access Mapping System to make it even easier for people to identify public access in the outdoors.
The upgrade includes …
Damp sleeping bags, but not spirits; Lifewise’s 7th Big Sleepout raises critical funds to end homelessness

Last week, Auckland University of Technology’s (AUT) quad was home to 135 people for the night, at the seventh annual Lifewise Big Sleepout.
Business, community and political leaders received an insight into what it means to …
Kiwi ‘Happiness Is’ project encourages people to send in photos

A New Zealand life coach is challenging people to send in snaps of things that make them happy. Helen Duyvestyn has set up the Happiness Is project.
Check out the project here.
Some words from Helen:
Focusing on …
Voices of our community