Articles in Family
Buddy Day used as tool to inspire more kindness and respect for children

Buddy Day – the day where the well being of children becomes a key focus – is coming up this November 13th, with five North Island communities getting involved.
Buddy Day involves 1800 adults in the …
‘Geoff Sewell’s music miracle’
From the originally published article in Women’s Weekly ‘Geoff Sewell’s music miracle‘ by Donna Fleming 7 June
The ‘Amici Forever’ founder Geoff Sewell was once told that his daughter Sienna might need to be institutionalised and …
Gentle Parenting: What is love?
By Tami Wyness
“I love you.” I used to say it to lovers, to friends, to family; but until I had a child of my own I can say that I didn’t actually know what that …
Gentle Parenting: The Mexican blanket of love and listening
My baby stirs beside me in the pre-dawn darkness. I hear the first calls of the morning birds outside and the sky begins to lighten ever so gently as we spin toward the sun. I …
Gentle Parenting: The reset button
By Tami Wyness
Some days, like today, I asked where I could hand in my resignation. I wanted to step down as mother in the department of motherhood please. I was beyond tired and ultimately felt …
Gentle Parenting: Embracing Tantrums
There are no naughty children here.
An acquaintance recently overheard me saying that we don’t use the word naughty in our house. A few sentences on I divulged that we don’t do any form of punishment …
Behind the scenes of a gentle parent: sewing plastic bags into works of art
After becoming editor for Happyzine, my time to sit, reflect and write has become limited somewhat; I needed some inspiration. And I have found it: in others. I have met so many amazing parents who …
Kiwi adventure game needs to be saved
Ka Pai Island!
Help save a Kiwi adventure game that Shane Rosemeyer has created: “I would like to raise funds to help with the cost of producing my board game Ka pai Island. Ka Pai Island …
Gentle Parenting: Learning the Art of Acceptance … by Tami Wyness
Learning the Art of Acceptance…
Parenting gently and keeping my baby close to me through the day and night feels so natural, but current mainstream Western culture doesn’t always feel like a comfy sling that keeps …
Gentle Parenting: ‘Little Seedlings’ by Tami Wyness
Welcome to the gentle parenting blog for Happyzine. A place of embrace for our parenthood journey as we endeavour to nurture our little seedlings with gentle hands and hearts. For me, learning to parent peacefully …
Check out: the big
At the big swell, we say healthy Mothers grow healthy families.
We say that Mothers are the change agents for a better world.
We say less synthetics, less chemicals, less consumerism, less political correctness and less judgment!
We …
Nelson Cranks Up the Heat With Fun Summer Events
Summer in Nelson cranks up the heat in New Zealand’s sunshine capital with a heap of family holiday fun.
The annual Nelson Lantern Spectacular kicks the celebrations off on December 17, with a lantern workshop at …
Taita, NZ: Becoming Father is easy. Being a Dad, isn’t.
10 weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings
5.00pm – 6.30pm
Starts Wednesday 14th September 2011
10 weekly sessions on Monday mornings
10.00am -12.00pm
Starts Monday 12th September 2011
Programme Aims & Objectives:
• To provide a …
1000 Days to Get It Right: Every Child Counts
Every Child Counts is launching a new campaign to highlight the importance of adequate public and community investment in a child’s early years – the first 1000 days of life – by releasing …
Ekodo: A Perfect Christmas
By Sean Weaver
My childhood recollections of Christmas were of enchantment. In adulthood Christmas has become synonymous with angst.
As either the youngest sibling needing to suffer the reminders of never being permitted to have a legitimate …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#176 – First Time Parenting: An Extreme Sport
When I first had my baby, who is now a toddler, parents would smile at me and ask: ‘is he your first?’. When I said ‘Yes!’ they would beam, or smile knowingly and give me …
Great Fathers – A Free, Special DVD Just for New Dads
How about this story. A guy – lets call him Dave – is reading some material by a NZ pediatrician and a US economist, and is so stunned by the material he resolved to tell …
Being a Father: What’s It All About?
Officially, I am now a father, and perhaps I’m becoming an older, more experienced father. I do have 16 months of daily training. Nothing actually prepares or gives you the experience you need, until you …
The Fatherhood Series: “Theron and Isla return to Happyzine”
Moving into Toddler-Hood – from a manly man’s perspective …
Our daughter, Isla, is now just over fifteen months old. She’s gone from a slow moving newborn that liked to sleep often, to a fast …
Sleep, Support and Smiles for Mother’s Day
Media release: Plunket
Mother’s Day, 9 May, is a great opportunity to celebrate the incredible women in our lives and let them know how much they mean to us.
An informal internet “chat” with mums revealed what …
Voices of our community