Articles in Happiness
Look for the good every day and build a vibrant life

Hi, Charlotte here. This morning the Happyzine Kea group are pondering this question. It’s amazing what you find in your life when you look for the good, no matter how tough things seem. Questions like …
Kiwi ‘Happiness Is’ project encourages people to send in photos

A New Zealand life coach is challenging people to send in snaps of things that make them happy. Helen Duyvestyn has set up the Happiness Is project.
Check out the project here.
Some words from Helen:
Focusing on …
Self love: one thing that makes an epic difference to the way we experience our lives, no matter how we started out

I just posted this in the Kea Group and I wanted to share it with you too,
Love Charlotte X
Time for a helping of self love? Today I invite you to be super mindful of the …
Happiness comes first

Research says happiness leads to success, not the other way round.
When my son was five years old I took him to school for a trial visit. All went well until he refused to leave the …
Fejoia fever takes fruit in New Zealand

Stuff reports that stories of massive fejoia fruit are circulating New Zealand right now, as the fruit obligingly fall to our feet and invite consumption. A Nelson grower reported an enormous 420 gram fejoia this …
Ted Talk: Draw your future into reality

Research shows if we draw our dreams they’re 65% more likely to happen says Patti Dobrowolski.
Watch the Ted Talk here.
Ted Talk: Lessons from the longest study on Happiness

I enjoyed this Ted Talk because it brought me back to the basics – the sweet power of loving relationships. Check it out if you want to be re-minded of the importance of getting along …
Ted Talk: The secret of becoming mentally strong

I found this Ted Talk inspiring because I think this is the key to a happy life. Amy Morin’s story is both personal, and practical. Check it out if you want to be reminded how …
Water, air and being happy – by Dunedin naturopath Francisca Griffin

By Francisca Griffin, Naturopath
Listen to the Access Internet Radio pod cast here.
Our bodies, just like Planet Earth, are composed of around 65 % water. Did you know that our amazing bodies also have every element …
Feel good story of one penguin’s love for the nice man who saved him, in Brazil

Stuff reported that a penguin named Jinjing, who was nursed back to life from an oil spill by retired bricklayer and part time fisherman Joao Pereira de Souza, 71, has continued to visit his friend every …
What are three new things you give thanks for today?

Thankfulness is one of the proven cornerstones of happiness.
What do people mean by ‘I’m happy?’ – this question explored here.
What do people actually mean when they say they’re happy?
This is the question tackled recently on Stuff in an article called ‘What people around the world mean when they say they’re happy?‘
Of course, while wealth is …
Technology and Happiness – is Wifi essential to our well being?
By David Laing
I’m sure that many of you are familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the model which relates to motivation and satisfaction. The model suggests that as each successive level of need is attained, …
Weekend news hug: The Happy Planet Index Ted Talk – Nic Marks

Nic Marks gathers evidence about what makes us happy, and uses it to promote policy that puts the well-being of people and the planet first. He’s the founder of the Centre for Well-Being at the …
How technology can improve your Happiness

By David Laing
In my research for this article series, I asked my family what they thought about how technology could improve happiness. This led to a wide-ranging, and fascinating discussion about the definition of happiness, …
Weekend news hug: Ruby Wax on mindfulness

Radio New Zealand ran this interview about Ruby Wax in September. Ruby is world-renowned comedian, celebrity interviewer, and script editor of the 1990s classic Absolutely Fabulous. Many don’t know that she also has an OBE …
My happy place this new year: a big rock

by Claire Webster
Happy place – having a big rock be home for the night -on the tops witha a full moon beside a bubbling mountain steam. Bliss.
Where’s your happy place? Win a twelve pack of …
My happy place this new year: Huriawa Peninsula

By Kyra Xavia
Here is a photograph I’ve taken of one of my happy places; Huriawa Peninsula, Karitane, in the South Island. This is a very special spot close to my heart. A place I went to …
2015 Goodies: Ten Questions with Happiness Experiment founder Tamara Waugh

She describes herself as “compassionate, wise and driven.”
Since turning her own life around with mindfulness and gratitude Auckland based Tamara has been inspiring people to do the same via her Happiness Experiment #3goodthings per day …
Inspired to Thrive: Alicia’s Story

International Day of People with Disability, Thursday 3 December
At 44, Alicia Thompson is a professional businesswoman with a husband, a teenage son and a love of knitting. Not much different from many women you’d meet …
Voices of our community