Articles tagged with: gratitude
An Attitude of Gratitude
By Helen Duyvestyn
Having an attitude of gratitude has been shown in research to have significant positive health effects on mental health and wellbeing. It’s termed in different ways; finding the good, counting your blessings, seeing …
Thanks for the reminder that life is abundant – nature

By Charlotte Squire
It’s summer here in Aotearoa. At our house the growth is wild and unabounded. We’re clipping back the branches and more, still more comes.
The green leaves appear in the most unlikely of places, …
Thanks for heavy metal

Wednesday series. Thankyou Project author Melanie Mayell, based in Christchurch, shares her glimpses of gratitude.
“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude”
Fredrich Nietzsche
NZ’s metal artists are world-class wonders. What vision and skill to …
Wondrous Wednesday: count your blessings.

Yes really, count them. Because for all the little things that challenge you in your day, I promise you there will be many more blessings.
I’m talking: clean water, that nice top you’re wearing, those nice …
Wondrous Wednesday: what do you give thanks for today?

Life serves up more of what ever you’re focusing on, so it makes sense to be thankful for the things that are going well.
Today I’m giving thanks for: the birds morning chorus, my intuition, the …
Wondrous Wednesday! There’s so much to give thanks for

It’s that time of the week again, when we pause to take stock of the things that really matter. Did you know that the more we give thanks for the beauty in our lives, the …
Wondrous Wednesday: What’s rocking your world today?

Yes it’s that time of the week here in the world of Happyzine. Gratitude leads to more of the same, so it’s worth investing time and focus in. The whole point is makes us feel, …
Meet Melanie – she’s dreaming of establishing a National Gratitude Day in New Zealand

When Melanie Mayell emerged from the rubble in Cathedral Square, Christchurch, covered in dust after a major earthquake in 2011, she was overcome with gratitude and a sense of wonder for life.
In the weeks that followed Melanie …
Wondrous Wednesday: name five awesome things in your life

Five awesome things in my life?
The Motupipi River – nice and clear so I can see her belly.
My street – full of friendly people and trees.
My seed babies – thrusting eagerly up through the soil, …
Who are YOU grateful for today? Me? My Gran (plus a song I wrote for her)

I remember the smell of her – sunlight soap and sunscreen, apricot oil and china paint. She wore a pink spotted floppy hat as she gardened and the skin on the back of hands was …
Wondrous Wednesday!

If you were to contemplate five things that are going well for you right now what would they be?
Wondrous Wednesday: What are you thankful for today?

By Charlotte Squire
Sometimes before I go to sleep at night I like to ponder the things I’m grateful for in my life, because then I will have started my dream time off with nourishing thoughts. …
What’s wondrous in your world today?

Kia ora,
Appreciation really does lead to more good in life. I for one know I have much to be grateful for. So Here’s a small list in the hope that it might inspire you to …
Check out: The 100 Day Gratitude Project
The Auckland based Momentum Life Coaching and Training team are running this inspiring facebook project:
September 23 marks 100 days until the end of the year. I have decided to launch a 100 DAY GRATITUDE PROJECT. It …
Clown thanks district councillor for social/environmental service
Tess the Clown has had her eye on Martine Bouillir, Tasman District Councillor, for six months.
A huge fan of Happyzine, back in February Tess pledged to give Martine “who is a really special person and …
Gratitude walks
By Charlotte Squire
Most mornings, I like to take myself for a gratitude walk.
This is how it works: I wake up before everyone else and bundle myself into all manner of warm, unfashionable clothes. I put …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog 243 – The Blessing of Rebecca Toon
Tis the eve of that Christian celebration I’ve grown to know and love: Christmas!
And I would like to spend this blog appreciating one of our many gifted writers. Her name’s Rebecca Toon and she just …
Celebrate Your Year – by Jack Canfield
Celebrate Your Year:
23 Questions to Inventory Your Successes
As you set goals for the coming year, it’s a good idea to take stock of the progress you’ve made toward your 2010 goals. For many …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#174 – How I Lazily Give Thanks
I’m still breast feeding my three year old son. It’s a wondrous thing, giving him this sweet start to life, on so many levels for us both. Anyway, so today, while I was breastfeeding him …
Gratitude – Maori Inspiration
With everything that we want to achieve in life, we must first be grateful for every single thing that we have. I want you to wake up in the morning, open your eyes, look outside …
Voices of our community