Articles tagged with: Health
Inspiring video story from Kansas about a young boy who overcame ADHD, and come off medication through dance

“It was as if God whispered and said ‘we need to find something useful and productive to use all of his energy’” said the mother of eleven-year-old Pierson Feeney has almost no more need for traditional …
Weeds as Medicines – by Dunedin naturopath Francisca Griffin
Listen to the Access Radio Internet Pod Cast here.
This week I talked about using weeds as medicines – have a listen, via the link above.
Disclaimer! Please, do be aware that weed medicine as well as …
Five Ways to Well-being

By Helen Duyvestyn
Researchers and scientists believe they know what promotes well-being and good mental health. The concepts are simple and nothing is mentioned at all about owning stuff or watching tele 🙂
“Between 2006 and 2008 the …
Could Lower Hutt become NZ’s healthiest community?

It’s a bold vision but that’s the aim behind Healthy Families Lower Hutt, a dedicated prevention workforce that is bringing community leaders together in a united effort for better health.
Healthy Families Lower Hutt was launched …
Cleansing the Body, Cleansing the Mind
I’m currently on a rejuvenating health cleanse with a group of Golden Bay women, led by nutritionist and wholefoods chef Linda Ross of Eartheart Nourishment.
The transitional seasons of autumn and spring are the two most …
Kiwis make great Mo-Gress this Movember
Press Release
Monday 18 November, 2013
MO-GRESS REPORT: Generation Mo Reaches the Mid-Month Milestone
An audible sigh can be heard this week from the 12,668 signed up members of Generation Mo in New Zealand, as the mid-month milestone …
Sincere smiles lead to good health
Is smiling healthy for you?
By Jill Hayhurst
Recently it feels like there has been a flurry of research exploring the links between emotions and health, resulting in an outbreak of sometimes contradictory and confusing advice. This …
All natural FucoCai – weight management – from Lifestream
Produced by the reputable Lifestream, FucoCai is a unique blend of two botanicals that are rich in antioxidant activity to protect against free radical damage from factors such as stress, alcohol, cigarettes and pollution. Additionally, …
Top 10 Happy Foods Number 6 – Raw Nuts
by Tyson Hammond
Eating to feel good is something easy we can do to help our body and mind feel content and enjoy our lives a little more. Staying physically healthy is an essential part of …
Partying raw – with Sarah Lea, Raw Foodie
Our family has roared it’s way through August. With three Leos on board, our Golden Bay whanau have delighted us by celebrating a first, a fourth and a 38th birthday this last week. That’s alot …
Preventing and curing depression – with raw food – by Sarah Lea
Life’s our choice. It’s up to us how we feel, where we go and who we choose to share it with. My beloved and I have recently made huge choices to create a life that …
Green Product Review: Natural Cream Deodorant – Lavender
We have a deodorant revolution going on here. And I don’t mean that in an infomercial tone of voice. This is Happyzine. I mean it.
I’m holding a 20 ml container of totally natural, aluminium free …
Wellware Collections and LOOP present the Winter Kit
Release date: 9/ 7 / 12
To nourish your body and soul through the colder months, Wellware’s Winter kit combines music and remedy by bringing together a relaxing downtempo …
Raw Food: managing a cold
By Raw Foodie Sarah Lea
The pantry’s bursting full of food, the fridge still oozes sweet treats and it’s at the end of my shopping week. The homefront is decidedly low energy. And although a relative …
Life-changing trip to Nepal – by Tracey Adamson
“I have been interested in developing countries since I started my physiotherapy degree. I don’t want to wait until I have graduated and worked for a few years before I can start making a difference. …
Youth Advocate Scholarship to Nepal
By Tracey Adamson (Leprosy Mission NZ)
Are you passionate about mission and social justice?
Would you like to fight for the rights of families affected by leprosy, stigma and poverty?
You may be thinking leprosy, isn’t that an …
Heal Christchurch: Health practitioners from a range of different modalities gather to offer free private consultations to residents affected by quakes
Joel Le Blanc
The Christchurch Earthquakes have affected thousands of people living in Canterbury since the seismic events first began in September, 2010, and many residents continue to suffer from heightened anxiety and insomnia as a …
There’s no education like adversity by Tracey Adamson.
This article was written by Happyzine’s Positive Writing Course graduate Tracey Adamson.
Honesty is the best policy. I recall my parents teaching me this from a very young age, and this is the approach I will …
Alzheimer’s – Any benefits? By Paul Smetana
I’ve spent about 30 years working as a Diversional Therapist and nurse in Nursing Homes, and in the community. I have been working with people who have all the various stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. While …
Diabetics get on their bikes to inspire others to reach for their dreams
Diabetics get on their bikes
Team Type 1 cyclists to compete in New Zealand
Young New Zealanders living with diabetes will join leading professional cyclists, Team Type 1 Sanofi, in fun Cycle Challenges in Auckland, Wellington and …
Voices of our community