Articles tagged with: kids
Kiwis living with dementia play part in school kids’ environmental education

A group of Alzheimers Auckland socialisation members have been putting their skills to use, creating thousands of paper planting pots for mobile environment classroom, Tread Lightly Caravan, to teach important messages about sustainability to local …
Innovative, global education project inspires children to make a difference

We have one three month membership (for up to three siblings) worth up to NZ$105.00 to give away to a member of our new Kea Group!
All too often, the problems of this world seem huge and …
Check Out Award Winning Kiwi Kid’s Music Composer Levity Beet and Win His Music!
Original Kiwi kid’s music is kinda hard to come by, but Golden Bay based Levity Beet is passionate about his craft so he makes up for it with some seriously inspiring high quality music that …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#155 – People Love People
Greatest moment of the day: proudly watching my son remove his trousers and romp with his friends in a puddle. There will come the day when he will ask me to refrain from writing such …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#135 – For the Love of Family
I write this blog scrunched forward, squinting at the screen in my contact-lenseless state. It’s been a chaotic day of family and animals, kind of exhausting, and heart-filling, all at once. So first – here’s …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#133 – Life is Sweet and Precious
Ok, so today’s great moment was: standing in the kitchen making really bad, highly immature jokes with my flatmate and laughing uncontrollably. There were many more sweet moments today, such as completing another Positive Writing …
Planting the Seed
by Claire Chateau
“And after we get the Gold Award…what do we do?”
This was one of the burning questions asked by Alex, eight, last week, as he was reflecting upon the eco-journey of his school, together …
Chickens are the “New Black” in the ‘Burbs
Why Chickens?
Chickens are the new black in Green Urban Living. Once you have read the following I’m sure you will be racing out to get your own feathery flock!
Tasty, Rich, Nutritious Eggs
As Kiwis we love …
Being a Father: What’s It All About?
Officially, I am now a father, and perhaps I’m becoming an older, more experienced father. I do have 16 months of daily training. Nothing actually prepares or gives you the experience you need, until you …
The Fatherhood Series: “Theron and Isla return to Happyzine”
Moving into Toddler-Hood – from a manly man’s perspective …
Our daughter, Isla, is now just over fifteen months old. She’s gone from a slow moving newborn that liked to sleep often, to a fast …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#55 – Feeling the Fear and Doing it Anyway (at Playcentre)
I have now worked out the true purpose of play centres: they’re training grounds for grown-ups! Well, maybe more ‘refresher courses’ – on how to have fun and make stuff with your kid. Today we …
Tantrums for Grown-Ups + Poem
Do you ever feel a little impatient because your dreams aren’t manifesting as fast as you’d like them too? I know I’m good at making things happen, but yesterday, I felt stuck. No matter what …
Celebrating Our Tamariki/Children in Aotearoa
For years, people everywhere have celebrated Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, and as of 2000 Children’s Day has existed. With many great events being held for children of all ages such as Toddler’s Day Out, …
Relaxing on the Interislander – I Am No Longer A TV Virgin
It’s Monday the 25th of January and I’m on the Interislander Ferry feeling utterly relieved as I head back to the Shire (Nelson) after an exciting Television stint in the Capital. Oh yes, it’s been …
Dragon poo, nasturtiums and why we need both… – Caro and Co…
Yesterday my daughter and I spent most of the day in our small suburban garden, planting, pruning, weeding and watering. For young children, everyday tasks such as these can be a bit tedious which is …
Domestic Daddy
Due in part to the financial obligations of today’s society, fathers often miss out on spending valuable time with their children. Certainly, there are mothers who must fulfill these obligations, yet more often it is …
What I’m Giving the Kids This Christmas? Nothing … Caro and Co
In Australia, for many December means celebrating Christmas, hot days, gifts, reconnection and relaxation, family, more hot days and approximately 9 weeks of holidays. We’re a month into summer and the heat can be oppressive. …
Who’s afraid of the big bad outdoors…? Caro and Co.
The great outdoors …. sometimes the thought of allowing your child to run free whether it’s in a suburban back garden, small courtyard, farm, park, beach or vacant lot can be a daunting prospect. There …
Voices of our community