Lots to be positive about: Happyzine founder Charlotte Squire in her home turf – Onekaka Beach, Golden Bay
Founded in 2007 by Charlotte Squire, Happyzine’s purpose is to inspire positive social and environmental change via solutions focused journalism.
Solutions journalism is rigorous and compelling reporting on responses to social and environmental problems.
Want good news daily? Check out our Facebook page every morning for inspiring stories.
Happyzine founder Charlotte Squire
Happyzine founder Charlotte Squire believes in the power of the positive! She has been a solutions focused reporter for the past sixteen years, writing for leading newspapers, magazines and websites worldwide. She has run happyzine.co.nz for eight years. Most recently, before child number two appeared, she was a daily reporter for Fairfax Media as a general news reporter. Much of her work has focused upon environmental sustainability. In her spare time she enjoys family life, spends time with friends and plays folk rock music with her band Mohua Sun.
More profiles of Happyzine’s local good news reporters coming soon.
Here’s a short introduction to solutions focused journalism:
Here’s a 90 second video (thanks to the Regeneration crew), about Charlotte Squire, the founder of Happyzine. It was shot a few years ago now, but it’s a great way to meet Charlotte and get a feel for the early roots of Happyzine.
Happy Feedback:
“Happyzine is phenomenal! Its putting a stick of dynamite up the *#^! of pessimistic, negative, gloom and doom spreaders!” Great Start House, Taita.
“Oh gorgeous! I love this little happy bomb arriving in my inbox! ” Meliors.
“Just wanted to say thanks – your ezine has been a lovely change from the NZ herald website I usually read here at work…Thanks again, you are making a difference to me and my staff!” Anna Simmonds, Wanaka.Web
“Hi Happyzine, we think your newsletters are great, keep em coming. Cheers, Elliot and the team and endemicworld.com.”
“Thanks for the lovely uplifting magazine again – the only newspaper I read these days …” Aroha Organic Goat Cheese
Happyzine has three key purposes
1. Inspire and update public with stories of proven, credible social and environmental development
2. Educate present and future generations about sustainable design and development
3. Influence policy makers by providing models of development that are actively drawing community together, and/or helping earth’s ecology to thrive.
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