365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#151 – Wind Therapy for Those Who Need to Release the Fire
It was once written (in a Chinese astrology book), that those born into the phase of leo dragon are never completely happy unless they’re in the midst of a virtual storm that requires all of their wit and will to navigate through. So it was today that I found myself leaning literally into what was officially the strongest ‘weather bomb’ on the planet.
I was walking an abandoned beach with my dog. Want a beach all to yourself? Take a meander on it during a highly publicized storm. At one point the wind was roaring so ferociously against me that I felt a slice of fear enter my heart. This was just what I needed. There’s nothing like a wee bit of a fear to spur me on. I gritted my teeth, pulled my hat lower to protect my face from the piecing rain, and pushed forward.
This morning, after days of being trapped inside due to the rain, I needed to vent. I needed something to push against. Step by step I made progress. And let it be noted that I was smiling. And yelling occasionally, yes yelling can really help move things along. And I realised that the wind wasn’t really that strong. It certainly wasn’t lifting me off my feet. And I realised that although the rain and wind were loud and stinging against my head, the elements were all bark and no bite. I wasn’t actually in physical danger. So I dug it in and made my way slowly back to my car with my dog at my side.
Did this feel good. Ah … yes. Great. It rated up there with surfing a big wave, or jumping off the highest rock into a deep river, or daring to ask someone gorgeous out for dinner, or getting up on stage and singing a great song to a surprised audience. For that ten minutes as I fought my way back to the car in the midst of a howling storm I was invincible, I was throwing everything I had at the wind, and it was fine with that. It didn’t have any requirements of me. I was charging and it wasn’t the least bit bothered. I didn’t have to be calm (as a parent is so often required to be), I didn’t have to be nice, or polite or mindful, I could just be feisty.
After that momentous walk I happily wrote a year long strategy for my ebook and drew a series of rock’n illustrations to accompany my electronic book. It was the most satisfying and productive two hours a girl could hope for. My cob-webs were well and truly sand-blasted away into the great, wild, grey sky. And for the rest of the day I felt calm, sated, and relaxed.
Today’s rating: 10/10
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation (as I raise my gorgeous son and grow my good news website to a subscription base of 100,000 people). The Low Down on this Blog.
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