Article Archive for October 2010
Growing UP and Upside Down in the Garden!

By Suzi Franks
WHOO HOO!! What a FANTASTIC Week I have had here in paradise – a beautiful week of glorious weather and I have been busy clearing the winter clutter to make way for the …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#192 – Charlotte’s Music Revival Continues
Come with me to band practice!
We’ll head to Anna’s place. She’s got this great stucko, white washed fifties home with a huge, yes ENORMOUS lawn that she intends to turn into a full scale permaculture …
Good News from Tamaki Makaurau
Kia ora tatau,
From the land of the stay up all night, study hard, party hard, stress a lot, live a lot,(eat a lot!!) student I’m back. And pleased to be reporting Auckland was stunning over …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#191 – Fund Raising at the Children’s A & P Show – Beaut
I’m sitting beside Anna the (viking-like mother of four) chopping carrots and apples as fast as I can. There’s a flurry of young children and hopeful looking parents in a cluster before me. Anna’s juicing …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#190 – Persistence, Self Belief and Open-Mindedness Will Get You Everywhere
Have you ever had one of those moments where you just wanted to give up because it seemed totally impossible? One of my writers has just come through that process, and has decided to stick …
Critical Mass Whangarei, New Zealand
By Claire Chateau
When I picture my perfect town to live in, I view people going everywhere on bikes. I imagine a city centre where people meet and chat waiting at the red light, a place …
eDay 2010 facts
eDay will take place on Saturday 6th November 2010, 9am – 3pm, in over 40 locations across New Zealand.
eDay is a simple, free and effective way to recycle old computer equipment and mobile phones in …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#189 – Great Parenting Comes From Great Self Love

I’ve just had a whole afternoon of Charlotte time. And it was just what I needed. Yes, my son was off with his father so it was just me, my dog and sweet, sun filled …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#188 – Conversations and the Great Jig-Saw Challenge
I love people. Which is a good thing as they’re everywhere. Today unfolded in its own merry way to be a chatty kind of day, a linger for relaxed conversations in the sun, take your …
The Next Three People to Join Our Cool Club Will Win a Kiwi Diary, a Haylo Bag or a Greenbo Planter
That’s right, be one of the next three people to join Club HZ and you will win either this: value NZ$26
this …
Haylo Bag – value NZ$30
or this …
Greenbo Planter – value NZ$70
Club HZ – …
Jacob’s Moko
I was well known in my youth as an ‘effective’ thrower of stones and can still bring down a pteradactyl gliding amongst low cloud (imaginary now, most of my throwing) and while I can still …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#187 – Music Making Returns Like a Spring Tide
I was raised by two traditional parents. Maybe it was the influence of Christianity – which permeated my mother’s life, and was the bur in the hide of my father’s childhood so that he grew …
Wind Power – 1st Entry into the Wild Energy Challenge – Please Cast Your Vote
This is an entry into the Adult section of Wild Energy. If you like this entry please give it a rating out of five stars (see the bottom of this page).
Our Idea is:
A personal wind …
Te Wai Korari – The Wetland That Made it Through
Every time I drive past Te Wai Korari wetland on the edge of our little south coast town, I thank my lucky star. Given that I pass by quite often,
that’s a lot of thanking! The …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#186 – In Ten Year’s Time Everyone Will Have One of These
Look what I got in the mail today! Thanks Tish. Yes, it’s a Haylo Bag – one of those bags you put around you food to keep it warm, or to keep the food cooking. …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#185 – Great News! Jane Austen Was a Poor Speller

Yes, as a writer who is not known amongst her closer associates as the perfect grammatical engineer or the world’s most efficient speller, it was rather nice to read today that Jane wasn’t too hot …
Round the World or Round the Corner

Jules Verne and I have nothing in common.
My first circumnavigation of the world took over 10 years to complete. Traveling into the sunset, If I’d been going about it in a straight forward fashion that’d …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#184 – The Science of Sound-Checks
Today I went to Nelson’s Granary and hung out watching a band sound check. We ate gorgeous chocolate brownie and lemon shortbread and exulted in the decadence and excitement of being in a beautifully decked …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – Blog#183 – Chillaxation in Practice
Why is it that packing always takes ten times as long as I think it will? It was only for three nights over the Takaka Hill (other wise known as ‘The Hill’) but I immediately …
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