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Ekodo: Song Of Ekodo

Submitted by on April 19, 2011 – 5:38 pm

By Sean Weaver

Ekodo is environmentalism as a martial art

Martial arts channel energy into a focused point

The unlimited capability of a focused body-mind

Nature finds a home in us as us, when we clear away obstructions like selfishness, shame, and self judgement

Then we embody nature’s domain of connection, cooperation and synergy, experiencing it and practicing it as a life path,

And we experience it constantly, only we have developed ancient habits that distract us from all this glory and we search for truth and meaning in all kinds of other places when we constantly have the opportunity to taste the source of grandeur of the world expressing itself as us in the very flavour of our saliva right now and in our feelings and in the song of birds and crickets and the rasping hack of dogs barking in the night.

Because it is a feeling universe where thinking is such a tiny insignificant part of the whole that our celebrations of thinking and theories are like celebrating a grain of sand when if we stood up and looked around there is a vast beach with countless millions of grains of sand, and countless beaches, and countless mountains, and forests and rivers, and a limitless sky and a immense ocean and immeasurable and indescribable experiences of being this ‘human-being’ with eyes and ears and a body that constantly encounters the whole miraculous nine yards but we instead bury ourselves in theories and a search for sages and touchstones that are always somewhere else, while all the time our own body is the sage and the touchstone and the miracle itself which needs no other authority than the fullness of the experience we are having right now with this body and all its senses.

And we discover the joys of living in this real world of the senses and being in the service of the real world and being the real world, and then we learn how to focus this vastness as the sword of the Ekodo ecowarrior who turns their own body-mind into an instrument of compassionate action, fueled by limitlessness and expressed as a mudra of great ease as we engage in the sacred self defence of the Earth as the Earth defending itself from imbalances that we restore through generosity as a cure for greed, kindness as a cure for hatred, and wisdom as a cure for ignorance.

When we discover this energy it can make use of us to do the compassionate equivalent of breaking bricks with bare hands, and yet this is so very ordinary and accessible, as a resource that is bountifully ready to hand while we continue to search for it with the very eyes that are already at home in this ecstasy of existence.

And we have chosen to be ecowarriors and we harness whatever power we can for our efforts where even our mistakes we celebrate and learn from with a gratitude that connects openly and fully to what is and the great opportunity we gain from great and small errors of judgement and action, and in this process of joyful redemption we dissolve guilt and re-shape it as the launching pad for ever more unmitigated kindness that is perfect exactly as it is, because we know and accept that the great matter can only ever unfold as a chain of wonderful calamities that defy our best made plans which we forge merely as the means to start our journey and then let serendipity have its way with us,

Guilt slows us down, self-criticism ties our shoelaces and self-doubt digs us holes to hide in,

But instead we cultivate and harness wholesome inner drives that generate a greater volume of positive outcomes like equanimity, self-confidence, courage all grounded in deep self-acceptance exactly as we are, and from this arises equanimity, self-confidence and courage and sustained effortless endeavour to meet our difficulties and dramas with ease,

And we still the body-mind with focused attention to this sound again and again and again and again and let this sound tune us to this vast eternal moment,

And we focus on the body that breathes, and we notice the fullness of each breath from beginning to end to beginning to end to over and over and over with nothing else to do because we are human beings and not ‘human doings’ or ‘human thinkings.’

And we notice that we are thinking and we return to the body and its breath as one of the countless ever-present teachers calling us home to our senses,

And we recite to ourselves: “I am good enough, just as I am, right here, right now” over and over and over and over gently on our out-breaths,

And we turn this inner dialogue over into the service of the self that cares for itself as the ground for caring for all things in all directions: here, there, and everywhere,

And we repeatedly recite to each other: “You are good enough, just as you are, right here, right now” and experience both the giving and receiving of a fundamentally authentic message that reflects the wholesome truth of the matter of existence in all its vastness, experienced with these very eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

And we tell this to our children and our adults and our elderly because we must, because it is simply true and truly simple.

And the world we constantly experience is the heart of the quest for the grail, which becomes a quest of fully experiencing the act of being found right here in this body and mind with these very experiences and feelings and thoughts and celebrations,

And we rest and still the mind with relentless regularity so that the mind conspires with this stillness and can fully experience its birthright as this wonderful body, beautiful exactly as it is with paunches and folds and warts and hair and a smelly arse, and we are the sun, the moon and the stars, aching knees, a sore back, and an unseen compulsion to be in the service of others,

And we still our mind sufficiently to find our bliss and our true self exactly as we discover and follow our bliss on the joyful path of getting on with it in a way that we love, and we are not afraid to love because we are not afraid to die and not afraid to experience all changes that are the perennial condition of this existence.

And we discover the intimate details of error and torment and drink it as yet another thirst-quenching elixir to taste fully and without reservation,

And we return relentlessly to the task and with time it comes with ease, and joy comes with ease, and sorrow and suffering come with ease,

And instead of trying to pave the world in a thin layer of leather to keep our tender feet from getting sore, we are the world and the leather and the feet and we are made for walking…

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Ekodo: Song Of Ekodo, 3.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings


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