Random Acts of Kindness Day – 1 September: The diary of a RAKer…
- Put the neighbour’s wheelie bin out
- Put toothpaste on partner’s brush
- Made scones to take to office
- Wound bathroom scales back for partner
- Sorted through wardrobe and donated clothes to City Mission
- Let someone into traffic
- Stopped on a red light
- Paid for the coffee of the person behind me
- Ordered pizza to be delivered to the local fire station for lunch
- Emailed boss to say how great it is to work for him
- Told receptionist she looks thin
- Gave receptionist a scone
- Finally got round to doing some work
- Gave someone an extra month to pay
- Rang mum just to say hi
- Bought sandwiches and took a colleague to the park for lunch
- Thanked IT department for sorting out the issues
- Bought IT department Red Bulls
- Buttered scones and handed them round
- Bought flowers to take home after work
- Worked late
- Rang mum back because she was engaged at lunchtime
New Zealand’s RAK Day started in 2005 and we are the only country in the world with a
national day of kindness.
Join the fun and do something randomly kind for someone on 1 September!!
Follow us on Twitter @RAKDay and Facebook www.facebook.com/RAKDayNZ