Articles in Blog
The sexy stormwater issue and why we need to see it as a resource here in NZ

By Charlotte Squire
Storm water run off. These are about the least sexy words girl could use to start an article. And yet here I am bringing you news of an exciting solution to a Kiwi …
Nelson Happyzine Talks kicks off tomorrow night at Theatre Royal!
Need some inspiration? Come and meet the people behind Happyzine at Happyzine Talks in Nelson tomorrow night.
Happyzine Talks is happening Saturday March 5th, Theatre Royal, 7pm. Entry $15 at the Nelson Theatre Royal.
Door sales are …
Riding Aotearoa on horseback for positive change

As I was dropping my husband Marty off to work today I passed a hot looking girl on a hot looking horse, resting on the side of the road.
“Oh look! She’s travelling on that horse! …
Ten reasons crowdfunding Happyzine’s going to light up your world

By Charlotte Squire, Happyzine founder.
This is the final week of the Happyzine crowd funding mission, we have seven days to go to find 88 people to join the Kea Group.
This mission is really important …
Research says happiness leads leads to success, not the other way round

By Charlotte Squire
When my son was five years old I took him to school for a trial visit. All went well until he refused to leave the sandpit after morning tea to go back to …
Happiness is accepting that some days you won’t be happy and being OK about it

When I first discovered positive thinking I was on a buzz. The concept totally changed my life, however there were a few extremes that I needed to level out before I could bed into true happiness.
So …
Welcoming in the New Year! Tino pai.

Wishing you a beautiful transition into 2016. Where ever you are – have fun, pause occasionally to smell the nice flowers and give yourself the occasional excited hug ’cause you’re just so excited to have …
Open letter to friends of Happyzine and lovers of good news
Dear friends,
Did you ever have a calling that wouldn’t go away? No matter how much you tried to ignore it, or tell yourself it was impossible? Now I really do believe anything’s possible, but for …
Thanks for the reminder that life is abundant – nature

By Charlotte Squire
It’s summer here in Aotearoa. At our house the growth is wild and unabounded. We’re clipping back the branches and more, still more comes.
The green leaves appear in the most unlikely of places, …
Anything is possible – yeah, nah, it really is

Of all the messages I would like to give you this Christmas, or Solstice, or new year, it’s that anything, truly anything is possible. So don’t give up. Because this really, really is true.
If you find yourself …
Weekend news hug: Meet the awesome new president of Canada – sign of a happy future

Sworn in as President of Canada in November 2015 Justin Trudeau is a man to watch.
He is pro diversity and gender equality. He considers the “constitutional rights” of Canada’s indigenous people a “sacred obligation.”
When asked …
News from my backyard – Charlotte’s first video blog

Happyzine founder Charlotte Squire has decided to give video blogging a go. In this first ‘vlog’ she tells us about her first and last day back to work as a ‘normal reporter’, she shares some …
The Paths to Happiness

By Helen Duyvestyn
So for the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a few courses (all in the name of research of course). Two are on Happiness – (A Life of Happiness and Fulfilment and The Science …
Solutions focus: How one French man is making a difference for disabled employees in Wellington

Happyzine founder Charlotte Squire talks emotive Sunday morning TV, brave disabled people reaching for more, and a French man changing New Zealand’s employment culture.
If you had have turned up at my house last Sunday morning you would …
Thanks for heavy metal

Wednesday series. Thankyou Project author Melanie Mayell, based in Christchurch, shares her glimpses of gratitude.
“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude”
Fredrich Nietzsche
NZ’s metal artists are world-class wonders. What vision and skill to …
Thanks for the bees

Wondrous Wednesday series. Thankyou Project author Melanie Mayell, based in Christchurch, shares her glimpses of gratitude.
“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste …
What’s wondrous in your world?

You know what I give thanks for today? My ability to listen to myself and to prioritise my happiness above all else.
No matter what you’re doing with your days, it is possible to control your …
Wondrous Wednesday: count your blessings.

Yes really, count them. Because for all the little things that challenge you in your day, I promise you there will be many more blessings.
I’m talking: clean water, that nice top you’re wearing, those nice …
Wondrous Wednesday: what do you give thanks for today?

Life serves up more of what ever you’re focusing on, so it makes sense to be thankful for the things that are going well.
Today I’m giving thanks for: the birds morning chorus, my intuition, the …
Voices of our community