Articles tagged with: Food
US research shows that food produced in a sustainable way is important, regardless of political view

Ok, so this is US research and is referring to their new Dietary Guidelines, here we are in the great land of Aotearoa, but this is interesting news coming out of a culture who deeply influence western …
The chocolate Baron hath moved to Wellington!

Yes it’s true. Baron Hasselhoff’s has moved to the big smoke, they have set up shop in the sweet little neighborhood of Berhampore, Wellington.
Offering a delicious range of boutique chocolates and fine gluten free sweets, …
Paul West’s advice about eating meat respectfully

For those who experience some worry about the subject (such as er, myself) , Stuff reported on Australian chef turned farmer and TV show host Paul West’s down to earth about eating animals with consciousness …
Rock-star market gardeners to visit NZ on six figure farming tour

A teaching tour from Canadian rock-star market gardeners and authors Jean-Martin Fortier (JM) and Curtis Stone is set to offer the secrets of a replicable system for profitable, small-scale intensive growing of organic produce.
Waiheke based …
Southland couples team up to offer local food service

The Southland Times report that two Southland couples have teamed up to get more local food and recipes to Southlanders. They aim to support local growers, offer affordable local food, and down the track – …
Try making this super hydrating chia rejuvenation drink

by Kiwi nutritionist Linda Ross
Thanks BioBalance New Zealand for partnering up with us.
Spring is beginning to swell into long, warm and inspiration-filled days…summer must be just around the corner.
It’s even more important now to stay …
Hell pizza joins the free range revolution

HELL pizza now less of a guilty pleasure
All ingredients used on HELL pizzas are now free range – at no extra cost to customers!
On 9 October 2015, HELL became New Zealand’s first pizza company to …
Spring clean your liver with this nutrient dense green smoothie

Thanks BioBalance New Zealand for your partnership on this article.
by Kiwi nutritionist Linda Ross
As the land starts to thaw and the sap begins to rise, humans and animals alike also begin to emerge from the …
Urban farm sites popping up in Wellington to support wellness revolution – edible city movement grows

From B-Side Stories
Founder of WorkerBe, Erin Leigh describes her business as a wellness revolution, but not only is she taking our office workers health by storm by providing “local, nutrient dense and mostly spray-free whole foods …
Nelson seasonal chef and Mum launches new food calendar

We have one calendar to giveaway to a member of Club Happyzine!
Media Release: Nelson Media.
Popular Nelson chef, food writer and cooking tutor Nicola Galloway is going professional and nationwide with her second food calendar, after last …
Wellington Real Food Challenge this July

By Sarah Adams – Wellington City Council
“How can we ensure access to fresh and healthy food for everyone in the Wellington region – now and into the future?” This is the question being addressed in The …
Send in your climate friendly solutions and win organic, vegan, gluten free snickerdoodles by Baron Hasslehoff!

Send us in a photo of an inspiring, climate friendly project in your community, with a caption explaining the ‘who, what, where, how, why, and wheres.’ If we run your photo and caption, you’ll go …
Winners of Good Food Boost mentoring programme have international flavour

Four emerging ‘good’ food and beverage companies, with products hailing from different countries, have won a competition to receive mentoring from some of New Zealand’s top food business experts.
The Good Food Boost mentoring programme, run …
Tauranga food rescue diverts 27 tonnes of good kai from landfill

By Melissa Pentecost-Spargo
Imagine being able to say you’ve diverted a staggering 27 tonnes of food from your local landfill, in one short year. A Tauranga man and his friends are able to claim this, and …
Plentifull Deli’s Soba Noodle Salad – from the Kiwi Diary 2014
Happyzine are keen Kiwi Diary-ists. This year we’re sharing some of the amazing content from the Kiwi Diaries of both yesteryear and today … such as this recipe for Soba Noodle Salad, thanks to the …
Food resilience in Christchurch an important part of urban planning
The first harvest from Christchurch’s Agropolis Urban Farm is ready to eat this Saturday. On Saturday, the group will run a morning of workshops open to anyone – seed raising, composting and shed building. At …
Chef encourages communities to feed themselves, around Aotearoa
Media Release: Kids Can Cook Kitchen
In its first 12 months of operation, the Kids Can Cook Kitchen has traveled over 10,000 km from Invercargill to Kaitaia, including the side roads in-between. Over 35,000 thousand children have …
When Chrissa met Sally – fudge initiative paves future for two Auckland women
When Sally Swedlund pitched her ‘Wicked’ themed Chocolate-mint fudge to her bosses at The Edge, she had no idea that it would lead to the formation of a very unique work experience opportunity for Chrissa Pearce.
Sally’s fudge-making …
The Dumpling Sisters need your support in Jamie Oliver Contest!
Hiya, We’re Amy and Julie Zhang, Chiwi (Chinese-Kiwi) sisters who are currently based in London.
Earlier this year we started an online food project called ‘The Dumpling Sisters’ (TDS). Consisting of a YouTube channel and a …
Lumsden Primary School creates NZ’s first food forest
From Robert Guyton’s blog
Lumsden Primary School lost a sizable chunk of its playground this week, but in its place gained the country’s first-ever school food-forest.
Where for years and years only grass grew, there now grows …
Voices of our community