Article Archive for February 2011
The Earth Speaks
For all of us living here in Aotearoa – New Zealand life took one of those irreversible shifts last Tuesday when we heard about the quake in Christchurch.
Those who have lost loved ones or whose …
From the Front Yard to the Inner City, Suburban Floral Association Comes to Town.
What are hydrangea bushes doing among the steel and concrete of Newmarket? Why are flower lovers gathering outside the train station just off Broadway? Artists Monique Redmond and Tanya Eccleston, aka Suburban Floral Association, provide …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 307 – Serena Star-Leonard is a Rock Star
With less than sixty days to go until the end of this blog I’ve decided to focus upon my goals (as well as the fun stuff, though the two quite often do combine). This month …
Kāpiti Coast’s Greenest Street: Cheap & Chilled Community Education

Blog 5: by Stacey Gasson
Steve Bright is one of those people who seem willing to turn their hand to most things, except maybe being interviewed. The prospect of talking about himself has him looking for …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 306 – The Simple Pleasures of Small Community and Online Living
I’ve gotta say, I’ve got a great balance of rural living and high-speed internet. Today I emailed ebook proposals to Oprah and Ellen Degeneres, plus a few other TV shows world-wide, and then nipped out …
Ekodo: A Thousand Years of Bliss
By Sean Weaver
About 30 of us gathered for an Ekodo workshop one sunny Sunday afternoon. Sunlight dappled on the polished floor and through folding doors the cottage garden swayed in a summer breeze, making me …
30 Days of Fun (and Chillaxed) Green Goal Achievement this April 2011 – join the facebook group now!

Would you like to create a greener career path, whilst earning a great income? Would you like to make a positive difference to your local environment? Maybe there’s a local river you’d love to help …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 305 – Blonde and Brunette Let Their Hair Down at the Beach
What is it about Saturdays and Sundays? Even when I work on these days I always feel far more relaxed and easy about life. Today I headed to the beach with my main bitch Maia. …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 304 – Businesses Donate Generously to the Good People of Christchurch
Who ever said multi-national corporations were heartless? Look what’s been going on behind the scenes as businesses from all over the world donate to our city in need:
“* Coca Cola Amatil, which has distributed 300 …
Getting Crafty…for Christchurch

My brother is in the New Zealand Army. He’s also based in Christchurch. When the earthquake struck he happened to be right at the epi-centre. He’s safe. So are my Dad, my sister-in-law and beautiful …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 303 – The Stories of Kindness Surface from Christchurch
As expected, people are taking care of each other in the wake of the Christchurch Quake. Today the website Stuff reported that stories of deeply kind acts are beginning to emerge. Amongst the comments of …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 302 – Gratitude
Today I’ve been focused upon the people of Christchurch during their day after the second big quake in six months. They’re only five hours away from us, and I used to live there, so I’m …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 301 – Sending Out My Prayers for the People of Christchurch
What a day here in New Zealand. This is one of those time when the real priorities in life such as family and loved ones, become obvious. After a huge quake and months of after-shocks, …
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Press release
The 2011 Auckland Writers & Readers Festival will hum with tales of human resilience – real life and fictional.
“Stories of struggle, sacrifice, and the instinct to maintain a capacity for compassion and human decency …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 300 – The Ancient Craft of Rock Work Lives On in Golden Bay, New Zealand

Rock work. You wouldn’t think there much to it, putting up a rock wall. Anyone can do it right? Well, yeah, but not one that stays there for one hundred years. It’s one of those …
Keep it Simple Sister
Last Saturday a group of women came together for the second Soul Sisters Retreat in beautiful Cable Bay, near Nelson. My friend’s house backs onto the tidal estuary. Both the house and the abundant rose …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 299 – Imperative Girlie Phone Chats
As a woman. I like to chat. When I was in my teens I could talk for hours with girl-friends, in fact it was imperative that I did. Or I would fall apart with the …
365 Days of Fun and Chillaxation – 298 – New York to Harness Renewable Energy of Sewage

Now this is the kind of news I like to read: “New York City’s sewage treatment plants will now be in the business of harvesting and selling renewable energy. Heating fuel will be extracted from …
20th Anniversary: Festival of Opportunities – Nelson
Nelson’s “Festival of Opportunities” to be held at Founders Heritage Park on 5-6 March 2011, is
celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with new organisers, Chai and Bex Deva from Nelson.
An internationally renowned wellness and lifestyle …
Saving the Planet, One Present at a Time…

I’ve always said ‘Nothing says love like a clean toilet!’ Failing that, I’d also appreciate a pile of clean washing. I’m not even going to pretend that washing is my hobby, but making stuff is …
What our visitors are saying…