Article Archive for January 2010
Calls For Entries For the Ports of Auckland Round the Bays 2010

Start the new decade on a “runner’s high” – registration for New Zealand’s largest mass-participation sporting event is now open!
It’s time to pull the running shoes out from the back of the closet and start …
Introducing A New Happyzine Writer: Nick Thorburn “Ten Things I Love About My Life”

Hi my name is Nicholas Thorburn and I am an eleven year old male from Auckland, New Zealand. I have grown up to love animals because my father is a customs officer in the drug …
View From Mars – Good News from Around the World

It is always good to hear about people empowering themselves and their environments. Check out this story from from IPS about “Indigenous and rural women from southern Tolima, a province located in the heart of …
Today’s minimotivator – Glenn Edley
James Openheim said, “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”
It seems a lot of put things off. We put off holidays, spending time with friends, rewards and …
Editor of Happyzine on TVNZ’s ‘Breakfast’ show
Charlotte Squire recently appeared on Breakfast to talk about Happyzine and just why exactly she’s gone down the good news road. Here’s the link through to TV One’s website.
The Honey Bee Revival – TopBar Hives

I am always on the lookout for kinder, more sustainable ways of beekeeping, I believe TopBar hives are the way to go for people keen on keeping bees in a more natural environment.
I first read …
Kura Reo Kai Tahu
It is great to see communities working together to strengthen their traditional knowledge and increase the ties that bind.
From the Timaru Herald .
The community at Arowhenua is hosting the second annual Kura Reo Kai Tahu …
You Are the Gift
People often say to me, “I’d love to be living my passion but I don’t know what my passion is.“ How do you know what your unique gifts are? That’s a great question. And what …
Today’s minimotivator – Glenn Edley
Goethe said, “Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.”
Isn’t it so often the quirks of your friends that make them so fun to be around. …
Expressing Breast Milk
I remember being given a breast pump as a gift for my baby shower. I hadn’t even had my baby and I definitely hadn’t started breastfeeding yet so, well, let’s just say was one of …
Win One Year of Life Coaching and Support to Reach Your Environmental Goal!

Happyzine Dream to Reality: Project Planet.
“Enough with focusing on what’s wrong, it’s time to dream about what’s possible environmentally, and make it happen,” says Charlotte Squire, founder of good-news website ‘Happyzine’. She’s offering one …
View From Mars
We have a lot to learn from our youth. From Stuff – Down in Southland, youth are leading the way by getting into sustainable transport – using a travel card, where they get a stamp …
YourMondayMotivator – Glenn Edley
I recently read an article about a hero of mine, Chuck Yeager. Chuck defined flight for me because he broke the sound barrier at a time when other pilots thought the sound barrier was either …
Coming Home – An Ex-Pat Canadian Prepares to Land in Aotearoa
When people ask me about my life I give them a brief chronological description of how I studied in Southern Ontario, moved to Vancouver to continue studying and then left Canada to travel and that’s …
How to Retire in Twelve Months – The Tale of Serena Star Leonard
You’re sitting on the deck of your mud-brick home enjoying a cup of tea. It’s dusk. You can hear the Tui calling to each other as they bed down for the night. You …
Summer Special: Wake Up With a Smoothie – The Ultimate Smoothie
This is the final in our smoothie series, and today, we’re stepping it up yet another level and learning how to make the ultimate in smoothies – that’s right, we’ve reached the grand finale. We’re …
Summer Special: Wake Up With A Smoothie – The Blushing Smoothie
Now that you’ve had time to digest and assimilate yesterday’s Tame Smoothie , it’s time to step it up a level. Yes, today, we’re actually making a smoothie smoothie. There’s nothing tame about this …
Honey Time

This time of the year if the weather has been kind, is the time to collect honey from your hive. Hopefully the bees have been busy doing what they do best and bringing back plenty …
Summer Special: Wake Up With a Smoothie – The Tame Smoothie
Welcome to day one of ‘Wake Up With a Smoothie’. Let’s take things gently. This morning, we’re going for the classic, super-simple smoothie. I’ve named it ‘The Tame Smoothie’ … actually, now that I think …
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